Voluntary Powers
Volition in General
Acts of Volition
Acts of Volition
will, volition, conation, velleity
will and pleasure, free will
freedom etc. Freedom
option etc. (choice) Choice
spontaneity, spontaneousness
originality. pleasure, wish, mind
frame of mind etc. (inclination) Willingness
intention etc. Intention
predetermination etc. Predetermination
selfcontrol etc.
determination etc. (resolution) Resolution
force of will.
will, list
see fit, think fit
determine etc. (resolve) Resolution
settle etc. (choose) Choice
volunteer. have a will of one's own
do what one chooses etc. (freedom) Freedom
have it's own way
have one's will, have one's own way. use one's discretion, exercise one's discretion
take upon oneself, take one's own course, take the law into one's own hands
do of one's own accord, do upon one's own authority
originate etc. (cause) [Constant antecedent] . Cause .
voluntarily etc. adj.
at will, at pleasure
a discretion
ad libitum
as one thinks proper, as it seems good to
of one's own free will
out of one's won head
by choice etc. Choice
purposely etc. (intentionally) Intention
deliberately etc. Predetermination .
instinct, blind impulse
inborn proclivity, innate proclivity
native tendency, natural tendency
natural impulse, predetermination. necessity, necessitation
compulsion etc. Compulsion
subjection etc. Subjection
stern necessity, hard necessity, dire necessity, imperious necessity, inexorable necessity, iron necessity, adverse necessity
what must be. destiny, destination
fatality, fate, kismet, doom, foredoom, election, predestination
preordination, foreordination
lot fortune
inevitableness etc. adj.
spell etc. Spell . star, stars
planet, planets
astral influence
sky, Fates, Parcae, Sisters three, book of fate
God's will, will of Heaven
wheel of Fortune, Ides of March, Hobson's choice. last shift, last resort
necessaries etc. (requirement) Requirement . necessarian, necessitarian
lie under a necessity
befated, be doomed, be destined etc. , in for, under the necessity of
have no choice, have no alternative
be one's fate etc. n.. to be pushed to the wall to be driven into a to be pushed to the wall to be driven into a corner, to be unable to help. destine, doom, foredoom, devote
predestine, preordain
cast a spell etc. Sorcery
compel etc. Compulsion .
necessary, needful etc. (requisite) Requirement . fated
destined etc. v.
spellbound compulsory etc. (compel) Compulsion
uncontrollable, inevitable, unavoidable, irresistible, irrevocable, inexorable
avoidless, resistless. involuntary, instinctive, automatic, blind, mechanical
unconscious, unwitting, unthinking
unintentional etc. (undesigned) [Absence of purpose in the succession of events] Chance
impulsive etc. Impulse .
necessarily etc. adv.
of necessity, of course
needs must
perforce etc. Compulsion
will he nil he, willy nilly, willing or unwilling
by stress of
if need be.
it cannot be helped
there is no help for, there is no helping it
it will be, it must be, it needs to be, it must be so, it will have its way
the die is cast
it is written
" one's days are numbered, one's fate is sealed
The moving finger writes and having writ moves on. The moving finger writes and having writ moves on. Nor all thy piety nor wit shall draw it back to cancel half a [Rubayyat of Omar Khayyam] .
willingness, voluntariness etc. adj.
willing mind, heart. disposition, inclination, leaning, animus
frame of mind, humor, mood, vein
bent etc. (turn of mind) Affections
penchant etc. (desire) Desire
aptitude etc. Skill . docility, docibleness
persuasibleness, persuasibility
pliability etc. (softness) Softness . geniality, cordiality
alacrity, readiness, earnestness, forwardness
eagerness etc. (desire) Desire . asset etc. Assent
compliance etc. Consent
pleasure etc. (will) Will
gratuitous service. labor of love
volunteer, volunteering.
be willing etc. adj.
incline, lean to, mind, propend
had as lief
lend a willing ear, give a willing ear, turn a willing ear
have a half a mind to, have a great mind to
hold to, cling to
desire etc. Desire . see fit, think good, think proper
acquiesce etc. (assent) Assent
comply with etc. Consent . swallow the bait, nibble at the bait
gorge the hook
have no scruple of, make no scruple of
make no bones of
jump at, catch at
meet halfway
willing, minded, fain, disposed, inclined, favorable
favorably-minded, favorably inclined, favorably disposed
nothing loth
in the vein, in the mood, in the humor, in the mind. ready, forward, earnest, eager
bent upon etc. (desirous) Desire
predisposed, propense. docile
persuadable, persuasible
suasible, easily persuaded, facile, easy-going
tractable etc. (pliant) Softness
genial, gracious, cordial, cheering, hearty
content etc. (assenting) Assent . voluntary, gratuitous, spontaneous
unasked etc. (ask) etc. Request
unforced etc. (free) Freedom .
willingly etc. adj.
fain, freely, as lief, heart and soul
with pleasure, with all one's heart, with open arms
with good will, with right will
heart in hand, nothing loth, without reluctance, of one's own accord, graciously
by all means, by all manner of means
to one's heart's content
yes etc. (assent) Assent .
unwillingness etc. adj.
indisposition, indisposedness
disinclination, aversation
nolleity, nolition
renitence, renitency
indifference etc. Indifference
backwardness etc. adj.
slowness etc. Slowness
want of alacrity, want of readiness
indocility etc. (obstinacy) Obstinacy . scrupulousness, scrupulosity
qualms of conscience, twinge of conscience
delicacy, demur, scruple, qualm, shrinking, recoil
hesitation etc. (irresolution) Irresolution
fastidiousness etc. Fastidiousness . averseness etc. (dislike) Dislike
dissent etc. Dissent
refusal etc. Refusal .
not in the vein, loth, loath, shy of, disinclined, indisposed, averse, reluctant, not content
adverse etc. (opposed) Opposition
laggard, backward, remiss, slack, slow to
indifferent etc. Indifference
squeamish etc. (fastidious) Fastidiousness
repugnant etc. (dislike) Dislike
restiff, restive
demurring etc. v.
unconsenting etc. (refusing) Refusal
involuntary etc. Necessity .
unwillingly etc. adj.
grudgingly, with a heavy heart
with a bad, with an ill grace
against one's wishes, against one's will, against the grain, sore against one's wishes, sore against one's will, sore against one's grain
in spite of one's teeth, in spite of oneself
perforce etc. Compulsion
under protest
no etc. Negation
not for the world, far be it from me.
determination, will
iron will, unconquerable will
will of one's own, decision, resolution
clear grit, true grit, grit [U.S.]
sand, strength of mind, strength of will
resolve etc. (intent) Intention
firmness etc. (stability) Stability
energy, manliness, vigor
game, pluck
resoluteness etc. (courage) [Absence of fear.] Courage
zeal etc. Activity
devotion, devotedness. mastery over self
self control, self command, self possession, self reliance, self government, self restraint, self conquest, self denial
moral courage, moral strength
perseverance etc. Resolution .Existence
obstinacy etc. Obstinacy
British lion.
have determination etc. n.
know one's own mind
be resolved etc. adj.
make up one's mind, will, resolve, determine
decide etc. (judgment) Judgment [Conclusion.]
form a determination, come to a determination, come to a resolution, come to a resolve
conclude, fix, seal, determine once for all, bring to a crisis, drive matters to an extremity
take a decisive step etc. (choice) Choice
take upon oneself etc. (undertake) Undertaking . devote oneself to, give oneself up to
throw away the scabbard, kick down the ladder, nail one's colors to the mast, set one's back against the wall, set one's teeth, put one's foot down, take one's stand
stand firm etc. (stability) Stability
steel oneself
stand no nonsense, not listen to the voice of the charmer. buckle to
buckle oneself put one's shoulder to the buckle oneself put one's shoulder to the wheel, lay one's shoulder to the wheel, set one's shoulder to the wheel
put one's heart into
run the gauntlet, make a dash at, take the bull by the horns
rush in medias res, plunge in medias res
go in for
insist upon, make a point of
set one's heart upon, set one's mind upon. stick at nothing, stop at nothing
make short work of etc. (activity) Activity
not stick at trifles
go all lengths, go the limit [Slang] , go the whole hog
persist etc. (persevere) Resolution .Existence
go through fire and water, ride the tiger, ride in the whirlwind and direct the storm.
resolved etc. v.
strong-willed, strong-minded
resolute etc. (brave) [Absence of fear.] Courage
decided, definitive, peremptory, tranchant
unhesitating, unflinching, unshrinking
firm, iron, gritty [U.S.] , indomitable, game to the backbone
inexorable, relentless, not to be shaken, not to be put down
inflexible etc. (hard) Hardness
obstinate etc. Obstinacy
steady etc. (persevering) Resolution .Existence . earnest, serious
set upon, bent upon, intent upon. steel against, proof against
resolutely etc. adj.
in earnest, in good earnest
seriously, joking apart, earnestly, heart and soul
on one's mettle
manfully, like a man, with a high hand
with a strong hand etc. (exertion) Exertion . at any rate, at any risk, at any hazard, at any price, at any cost, at any sacrifice
at all hazards, at all risks, at all events
cost what it may
a tort et a travers
once for all
neck or nothing
rain or shine.
continuance etc. (inaction) Continuance in action
permanence etc. (absence of change) [Absence of change.] Permanence
firmness etc. (stability) Stability . constancy, steadiness
singleness of purpose, tenacity of purpose
persistence, plodding, patience
sedulity etc. (industry) Activity
pertinacy, pertinacity, pertinaciousness
iteration etc. Repetition
bottom, game, pluck, stamina, backbone, grit
indefatigability, indefatigableness
bulldog courage.
persevere, persist
hold on, hold out
die in the last ditch, be in at the death
stick to, cling to, adhere to
stick to one's text, keep on
keep to one's course, keep to one's ground, maintain one's course, maintain one's ground
go all lengths, go through fire and water
bear up, keep up, hold up
stick to work etc. (work) Exertion
continue etc. Continuance in action
follow up
die in harness, die at one's post.
persevering, constant
steady, steadfast
undeviating, unwavering, unfaltering, unswerving, unflinching, unsleeping, unflagging, undrooping
steady as time
unrelenting, unintermitting, unremitting
industrious etc. Activity
strenuous etc. Exertion
persisting, persistent. solid, sturdy, staunch, stanch, true to oneself
unchangeable etc. Stability
unconquerable etc. (strong) [Degree of power.] Strength
indomitable, game to the last, indefatigable, untiring, unwearied, never tiring.
through evil report and good report, through thick and thin, through fire and water
without fail, sink or swim, at any price
never say die
give it the old college try
irresolution, infirmity of purpose, indecision
indetermination, undetermination
uncertainty etc. Uncertainty
demur, suspense
hesitating etc. v., hesitation, hesitancy
changeableness etc. Changeableness
alternation etc. (oscillation) [Reciprocating motion, motion to and fro.] Oscillation
caprice etc. Caprice . fickleness, levity
pliancy etc. (softness) Softness
timidity etc. Fear
cowardice etc. [Excess of fear.] Cowardice
half measures. waverer, ass between two bundles of hay
shuttlecock, butterfly
doughface [U.S.] .
be irresolute etc. adj.
hang in suspense, keep in suspense
leave "ad referendum"
think twice about, pause
dawdle etc. (inactivity) Inactivity
remain neuter
dillydally, hesitate, boggle, hover, dacker, hum and haw, demur, not know one's own mind
debate, balance
dally with, coquet with
will and will not, chaser-balancer
go halfway, compromise, make a compromise
be thrown off one's balance, stagger like a drunken man
be afraid etc. Fear
let 'I dare not' wait upon 'I would'" [Macbeth]
falter, waver vacillate etc. Changeableness
change etc. [Difference at different times.] Change
retract etc. Tergiversation
alternate etc. (oscillate) [Reciprocating motion, motion to and fro.] Oscillation
keep off and on, play fast and loose
blow hot and cold etc. (caprice) Caprice . shuffle, palter, blink
irresolute, infirm of purpose, double-minded, half-hearted
undecided, unresolved, undetermined
fidgety, tremulous
hesitating etc. v.
off one's balance
at a loss etc. (uncertain) Uncertainty . vacillating etc. v.
unsteady etc. (changeable) Changeableness
unsteadfast, fickle, without ballast
capricious etc. Caprice
volatile, frothy
light, lightsome, light-minded
fast and loose. weak, feeble-minded, frail
timid, wimpish, wimpy etc. Fear
cowardly etc. [Excess of fear.] Cowardice
dough-faced [U.S.]
pliant etc. (soft) Softness
unable to say 'no', easy-going revocable, reversible.
how happy could I be with either! " [Gay] .
obstinateness etc. adj.
obstinacy, tenacity
cussedness [U.S.]
perseverance etc. Resolution .Existence
old school
inflexibility etc. (hardness) Hardness
obduracy, obduration
dogged resolution
resolution etc. Resolution
ruling passion
blind side. self-will, contumacy, perversity
pervicacy, pervicacity
indocility. bigotry, intolerance, dogmatism
opiniatry, opiniativeness
fixed idea etc. (prejudgment) Misjudgment
fanaticism, zealotry, infatuation, monomania
opinionatedness opinionativeness. mule
opinionist, opinionatist, opiniator, opinator
stickler, dogmatist
zealot, enthusiast, fanatic.
be obstinate etc. adj.
stickle, take no denial, fly in the face of facts
opinionate, be wedded to an opinion, hug a belief
have one's own way etc. (will) Will
persist etc. (persevere) Resolution .Existence
have the last word, insist on having the last word. die hard, fight against destiny, not yield an inch, stand out.
obstinate, tenacious, stubborn, obdurate, casehardened
inflexible etc. (hard) Hardness
immovable, unshakable, not to be moved
inert etc. Physical Inertness
unchangeable etc. Stability
inexorable etc. (determined) Resolution
mulish, obstinate as a mule, pig-headed. dogged
sullen, sulky
unmoved, uninfluenced unaffected. willful, self-willed, perverse
resty, restive, restiff
pervicacious, wayward, refractory, unruly
heady, headstrong
crossgrained. arbitrary, dogmatic, positive, bigoted
prejudiced etc. Misjudgment
prepossessed, infatuated
stiff-backed, stiff necked, stiff hearted
hard-mouthed, hidebound
impervious, impracticable, inpersuasible
intractable, untractable
incorrigible, deaf to advice, impervious to reason
crotchety etc. Caprice .
change of mind, change of intention, change of purpose
afterthought. tergiversation, recantation
palinode, palinody
abjuration, abjurement
defection etc. (relinquishment) Relinquishment
going over etc. v.
retraction, retractation
disavowal etc. (negation) Negation
revocation, revokement
repentance etc. Penitence
vacillation etc. Irresolution
turn tippet
rat, apostate, renegade
convert, pervert
proselyte, deserter
blackleg, crawfish [U.S.] , scab [Slang] , mugwump [U.S.] , recidivist. time server, time pleaser
timist, Vicar of Bray, trimmer, ambidexter
weathercock etc. (changeable) Changeableness
change one's mind, change one's intention, change one's purpose, change one's note
abjure, renounce
withdraw from etc. (relinquish) Relinquishment
waver, vacillate
wheel round, turn round, veer round
turn a pirouette
go over from one side to another, pass from one side to another, change from one side to another, skip from one side to another
go to the rightabout
box the compass, shift one's ground, go upon another tack. apostatize, change sides, go over, rat
recant, retract
rescind etc. (abrogate) Abrogation
forswear, unsay
come over, come round to an opinion
crawfish [U.S.] , crawl [U.S.] . draw in one's horns, eat one's words
eat the leek, swallow the leek
swerve, flinch, back out of, retrace one's steps, think better of it
come back return to one's first love
turn over a new leaf etc. (repent) Penitence . trim, shuffle, play fast and loose, blow hot and cold, coquet, be on the fence, straddle, bold with the hare but run with the hounds
wait to see how the cat jumps, wait to see how the wind blows.
changeful etc. Changeableness
irresolute etc. Irresolution
ductile, slippery as an eel, trimming, ambidextrous, timeserving
coquetting etc. v.. revocatory, reactionary.
a change came o'er the spirit of my dream" [Byron] .
caprice, fancy, humor
whim, whimsy, whimsey, whimwham
crotchet, capriccio, quirk, freak, maggot, fad, vagary, prank, fit, flimflam, escapade, wild-goose chase
capriciousness etc. adj.
be capricious etc. adj.
have a maggot in the brain
take it into one's head, strain at a gnat and swallow a camel
blow hot and cold
play fast and loose, play fantastic tricks
erratic, eccentric, fitful, hysterical
full of whims etc. n.
inconsistent, fanciful, fantastic, whimsical, crotchety, kinky [U.S.] , particular, humorsome, freakish, skittish, wanton, wayward
unconformable etc. Unconformity
penny wise and pound foolish
fickle etc. (irresolute) Irresolution
frivolous, sleeveless, giddy, volatile.
by fits and starts, without rhyme or reason.
choice, option
discretion etc. (volition) Will
adoption, cooptation
decision etc. (judgment) Judgment [Conclusion.] . election
political election (politics) Authority .Existence . selection, excerption, gleaning, eclecticism
excerpta, gleanings, cuttings, scissors and paste
pick etc. (best) Perfection . preference, prelation, opinion poll, survey
predilection etc. (desire) Desire .
offers one's choice, set before
hold out the alternative, present the alternative, offer the alternative
put to the vote. use option, use discretion, exercise option, exercise discretion, one's option
adopt, take up, embrace, espouse
choose, elect, opt for
take one's choice, make one's choice
make choice of, fix upon. vote, poll, hold up one's hand
divide. settle
decide etc. (adjudge) Judgment [Conclusion.]
list etc. (will) Will
make up one's mind etc. (resolve) Resolution . select
pick and choose
pick out, single out
cull, glean, winnow
sift the chaff from the wheat, separate the chaff from the wheat, winnow the chaff from the wheat
pick up, pitch upon
pick one's way
indulge one's fancy. set apart, mark out for
mark etc. Indication . prefer
have rather, have as lief
fancy etc. (desire) Desire
be persuaded etc. Motive . take a decided step, take a decisive step
commit oneself to a course
pass the Rubicon, cross the Rubicon
cast in one's lot with
take for better or for worse.
optionally etc. adj.
at pleasure etc. (will) Will
either the one or the other
or at the option of
whether or not
once and for all
for one's money. by choice, by preference
in preference
rather, before.
be neutral etc. adj.
have no choice, have no election
waive, not vote
abstain from voting, refrain from voting
leave undecided
make a virtue of necessity" [Two Gentlemen] .
neutral, neuter
indifferent, uninterested
undecided etc. (irresolute) Irresolution .
who cares, ? what difference does it make
? There's not a dime's worth of difference between There's not a dime's worth of difference between them" [George Wallace] .
rejection, repudiation, exclusion
refusal etc. Refusal
set aside, lay aside
give up
decline etc. (refuse) Refusal
exclude, except
pluck, spin
cast. repudiate, scout, set at naught
fling to the winds, fling to the dogs, fling overboard, fling away, cast to the winds, cast to the dogs, cast overboard, cast away, throw to the winds, throw to the dogs, throw overboard, throw away, toss to the winds, toss to the dogs, toss overboard, toss away
send to the right about
disclaim etc. (deny) Negation
discard etc. (eject) [Motion out of, actively] Ejection , (have done with) Disuse .
rejected etc. v.
reject, rejectaneous, rejectious
not chosen etc. Choice , to be thought of, out of the question
neither, neither the one nor the other
no etc. Negation .
predestination, preordination, premeditation, predeliberation, predetermination
foregone conclusion
resolve, propendency
intention etc. Intention
project etc. Plan
fate, foredoom, necessity.
predestine, preordain, predetermine, premeditate, resolve, concert
resolve beforehand, predesignate.
prepense, premeditated etc. v., predesignated, predesigned
advised, studied, designed, calculated
intended etc. Intention
foregone. well-laid, well-devised, well-weighed
maturely considered
advisedly etc. adj.
with premeditation, deliberately, all things considered, with eyes open, in cold blood
intentionally etc. Intention .
impulse, sudden thought
impromptu, improvisation
inspiration, flash, spurt. improvisatore
creature of impulse.
flash on the mind. say what comes uppermost
improvise, extemporize.
extemporaneous, impulsive, indeliberate
improvised, improvisate, improvisatory
unpremeditated, unmeditated
unprompted, unguided
natural, unguarded
spontaneous etc. (voluntary) Will
instinctive etc. Necessity .
extempore, extemporaneously
offhand, impromptu
on the spur of the moment, on the spur of the occasion.
habit, habitude
assuetude, assuefaction, wont
run, way. common state of things, general state of things, natural state of things, ordinary state of things, ordinary course of things, ordinary run of things
matter of course
beaten path, beaten track, beaten ground. prescription, custom, use, usage, immemorial usage, practice
prevalence, observance
conventionalism, conventionality
mode, fashion, vogue
etiquette etc. (gentility) Fashion
order of the day, cry
conformity etc. Conformity
consuetude, dustoor. one's old way, old school
standing order, precedent, routine
red-tape, red-tapism
pipe clay
bad habit, confirmed habit, inveterate habit, intrinsic habit etc.
addiction, trick. training etc. (education) Teaching
seasoning, second nature, acclimatization
knack etc.
be wont etc. adj. . fall into a rut, fall into a custom etc. (conform to) Conformity
tread the beaten track, follow the beaten track, tread the beaten path, follow the beaten
move in a rut, run on in a groove, go round like a horse in a mill, go on in the old jog trot way. habituate, inure, harden, season, caseharden
accustom, familiarize
naturalize, acclimatize
keep one's hand in
train etc. (educate) Teaching . get into the way, get into the knack of
learn etc. Learning
cling to, adhere to
repeat etc. Repetition
acquire a habit, contract a habit, fall into a habit, acquire a trick, contract a trick, fall into a trick
addict oneself to, take to, get into. be habitual etc. adj.
come into use, become a habit, take root
gain upon one, grow upon one.
prescriptive, accustomed etc. v.
of daily occurrence, of everyday occurrence
wonted, usual, general, ordinary, common, frequent, everyday, household, garden variety, jog, trot
well-trodden, well-known
familiar, vernacular, trite, commonplace, conventional, regular, set, stock, established, stereotyped
prevailing, prevalent
current, received, acknowledged, recognized, accredited
of course, admitted, understood. conformable. etc. Conformity
according to use, according to custom, according to routine
in vogue, in fashion, in, with it
fashionable etc. (genteel) Fashion . wont
used to, given to, addicted to, attuned to, habituated etc. v.
in the habit of
at home in etc. (skillful) Skill
imbued with
devoted to, wedded to. hackneyed, fixed, rooted, deep-rooted, ingrafted, permanent, inveterate, besetting
ingrained etc. (intrinsic) Intrinsicality .
habitually etc. adj.
always etc. (uniformly) Uniformity . as usual, as is one's wont, as things go, as the world goes, as the sparks fly upwards
more suo
ex more. as a rule, for the most part
usually, generally, typically etc. adj.
most often, most frequently.
How use doth breed a habit in a man! " [Two Gentlemen]
desuetude, disusage
obsolescence, disuse etc. Disuse
want of habit, want of practice
newness to
new brooms. infraction of usage etc. (unconformity) Unconformity
a custom more honored in the breach than the a custom more honored in the breach than the observance" [Hamlet] .
be unaccustomed etc. adj.
leave off a habit, cast off a habit, break off a habit, wean oneself of a habit, violate a habit, break through a habit, infringe a habit, leave off a custom, cast off a custom, break off a custom, wean oneself of a custom, violate a custom, break through a custom, infringe a custom, leave off a usage, cast off a usage, break off a usage, wean oneself of a usage, violate a usage, break through a usage, infringe a usage
disuse etc. Disuse
wear off.
unaccustomed, unused, unwonted, unseasoned, uninured, unhabituated, untrained
green etc. (unskilled) Unskillfulness
unhackneyed. unusual etc. (unconformable) Unconformity
disused etc. Disuse .