Topic Thesaurus
Roget's Thesaurus


  • skill, skillfulness, address
  • dexterity, dexterousness
  • adroitness, expertness etc. adj.
  • proficiency, competence, technical competence, craft, callidity, facility, knack, trick, sleight
  • mastery, mastership, excellence, panurgy
  • ambidexterity, ambidextrousness
  • sleight of hand etc. (deception) Deception. seamanship, airmanship, marksmanship, horsemanship
  • rope-dancing. accomplishment, acquirement, attainment
  • art, science
  • technicality, technology
  • practical knowledge, technical knowledge. knowledge of the world, world wisdom
  • tact
  • mother wit etc. (sagacity) Intelligence, Wisdom
  • discretion etc. (caution) Caution
  • finesse
  • craftiness etc. (cunning) Cunning
  • management etc. (conduct) Conduct
  • self-help. cleverness, talent, ability, ingenuity, capacity, parts, talents, faculty, endowment, forte, turn, gift, genius
  • intelligence etc. Intelligence, Wisdom
  • sharpness, readiness etc. (activity) Activity
  • invention etc. Imagination
  • aptness, aptitude
  • turn for, capacity for, genius for
  • felicity, capability, qualification, habilitation. proficient etc. Proficient. masterpiece, tour de force
  • good stroke etc. (plan) Plan.
  • be skillful etc. adj.
  • excel in, be master of
  • have a turn for etc. n.. know what's what, know a hawk from a handsaw, know what one is about, know on which side one's bread is buttered, know what's o'clock
  • have cut one's eye teeth, have cut one's wisdom teeth. see one's way, see where the wind lies, see which way the wind blows
  • have all one's wits about one, have one's hand in
  • cut one's coat according to one's cloth
  • live by one's wits
  • exercise one's discretion, feather the oar, sail near the wind
  • stoop to conquer etc. (cunning) Cunning
  • play one's cards well, play one's best card
  • hit the right nail on the head, put the saddle on the right horse. take advantage of, make the most of
  • profit by etc. (use) Use
  • make a hit etc. (succeed) Success
  • make a virtue of necessity
  • make hay while the sun shines etc. (occasion) Occasion.
  • skillful, dexterous, adroit, expert, apt, handy, quick, deft, ready, gain
  • slick, smart etc. (active) Activity
  • proficient, good at, up to, at home in, master of, a good hand at, au fait, thoroughbred, masterly, crack, accomplished
  • conversant etc. (knowing) Knowledge. experienced, practiced, skilled, hackneyed
  • up in, well up in
  • in practice, in proper cue
  • competent, efficient, qualified, capable, fitted, fit for, up to the mark, trained, initiated, prepared, primed, finished. clever, cute, able, ingenious, felicitous, gifted, talented, endowed
  • inventive etc. Imagination
  • shrewd, sharp, on the ball etc. (intelligent) Intelligence, Wisdom
  • cunning etc. Cunning
  • alive to, up to snuff, not to be caught with chaff
  • discreet. neat-handed, fine-fingered, nimble-fingered, ambidextrous, sure-footed
  • cut out for, fitted for. technical, artistic, scientific, daedalian, shipshape
  • workman-like, business-like, statesman-like.
  • skillfully etc. adj.
  • well etc. Good
  • artistically
  • with skill, with consummate skill
  • suo Marte
  • to the best of one's abilities etc. (exertion) Exertion.
  • heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, or heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, or the hand to execute
  • " [Junius]
  • if you have lemons, make lemonade.