Topic Thesaurus
Roget's Thesaurus

Continuance in action

  • continue, persist
  • go on, jog on, keep on, run on, hold on
  • abide, keep, pursue, stick to its course, take its course, maintain its course
  • carry on, keep up. sustain, uphold, hold up, keep on foot
  • follow up, perpetuate
  • maintain
  • preserve etc. Resolution.Existence
  • harp upon etc. (repeat) Repetition. keep going, keep alive, keep the pot boiling, keep up the ball, keep up the good work
  • die in harness, die with one's boots on
  • hold on the even tenor of one's way, pursue the even tenor of one's way. let be
  • let things take their course
  • stare decisis (Jurisprudence).
  • continuing etc. v.
  • uninterrupted, unintermitting, unvarying, unshifting
  • unreversed, unstopped, unrevoked, unvaried
  • sustained
  • undying etc. (perpetual) [Endless duration.] Perpetuity
  • inconvertible.
  • keep it up!, go to it!, right away!, right on!, attaboy!
  • labitur et albetur [Horace].