choice, option
discretion etc. (volition) Will
adoption, cooptation
decision etc. (judgment) Judgment [Conclusion.]. election
political election (politics) Authority.Existence. selection, excerption, gleaning, eclecticism
excerpta, gleanings, cuttings, scissors and paste
pick etc. (best) Perfection. preference, prelation, opinion poll, survey
predilection etc. (desire) Desire.
offers one's choice, set before
hold out the alternative, present the alternative, offer the alternative
put to the vote. use option, use discretion, exercise option, exercise discretion, one's option
adopt, take up, embrace, espouse
choose, elect, opt for
take one's choice, make one's choice
make choice of, fix upon. vote, poll, hold up one's hand
divide. settle
decide etc. (adjudge) Judgment [Conclusion.]
list etc. (will) Will
make up one's mind etc. (resolve) Resolution. select
pick and choose
pick out, single out
cull, glean, winnow
sift the chaff from the wheat, separate the chaff from the wheat, winnow the chaff from the wheat
pick up, pitch upon
pick one's way
indulge one's fancy. set apart, mark out for
mark etc. Indication. prefer
have rather, have as lief
fancy etc. (desire) Desire
be persuaded etc. Motive. take a decided step, take a decisive step
commit oneself to a course
pass the Rubicon, cross the Rubicon
cast in one's lot with
take for better or for worse.
optionally etc. adj.
at pleasure etc. (will) Will
either the one or the other
or at the option of
whether or not
once and for all
for one's money. by choice, by preference
in preference
rather, before.