inaction etc. Inaction
inertness etc. Physical Inertness
obstinacy etc. Obstinacy. lull etc. (cessation) [Change from action to rest.] Cessation
quiescence etc. Quiescence
rust, rustiness. idleness, remissness etc. adj.
sloth, indolence, indiligence
dawdling etc. v.. ergophobia, otiosity. dullness etc. adj.
segnity, segnitude
sluggishness etc. (slowness) Slowness
procrastination etc. (delay) Lateness
torpor, torpidity, torpescence
stupor etc. (insensibility) Insensibility
drowsiness etc. adj.
nodding etc. v.
oscitation, oscitancy
pandiculation, hypnotism, lethargy
statuvolence heaviness, heavy eyelids. sleep, slumber
sound sleep, heavy sleep, balmy sleep
coma, trance, ecstasis, dream, hibernation, nap, doze, snooze, siesta, wink of sleep, forty winks, snore
hypnology. dull work
relaxation etc. (loosening) [Want of adhesion, nonadhesion, immiscibility.] Incoherence
Castle of Indolence. [Cause of inactivity] lullaby, sedative, tranquilizer, hypnotic, sleeping pill, relaxant, anaesthetic, general anaesthetic etc. Moderation
torpedo. [person who is inactive] idler, drone, droil, dawdle, mopus
dummy, sleeping partner
afternoon farmer
truant etc. (runaway) [Absence of pursuit.] Avoidance
bummer, loafer, goldbrick, goldbicker, lounger
lubber, lubbard
slow coach etc. (slow.) Slowness
opium eater, lotus eater
lag, sluggard, slugabed
slumberer, dormouse, marmot
waiter on Providence
be inactive etc. adj.
do nothing etc. Inaction
move slowly etc. Slowness
let the grass grow under one's feet
take one's time, dawdle, drawl, droil, lag, hang back, slouch
loll, lollop
lounge, poke, loaf, loiter
go to sleep over
sleep at one's post, take things as they come
lead an easy life, vegetate, swim with the stream, eat the bread of idleness
loll in the lap of luxury, loll in the lap of indolence
waste time, consume time, kill time, lose time
burn daylight, waste the precious hours. idle away time, trifle away time, fritter away time, fool away time
spend time in, take time in
peddle, piddle
potter, pudder, dabble, faddle fribble, fiddle-faddle
dally, dilly-dally. sleep, slumber, be asleep
sleep like a top, sleep like a log, sleep like a dormouse
sleep soundly, heavily
doze, drowze, snooze, nap
take a nap etc. n.
snore one's best
settle to sleep, go to sleep, go off to sleep
doze off, drop off
fall asleep
drop asleep
close the eyes, seal up the eyes, seal up eyelids
weigh down the eyelids
get sleep, nod, yawn
go to bed, turn
get some z's, stack z's [Coll.]. languish, expend itself, flag, hang fire
relax. render idle etc. adj.
mitigate etc. Moderation.
motionless etc. Quiescence
unoccupied etc. (doing nothing) Inaction
unbusied. indolent, lazy, slothful, idle, lusk, remiss, slack, inert, torpid, sluggish, otiose, languid, supine, heavy, dull, leaden, lumpish
exanimate, soulless
drony, dronish
lazy as Ludlam's dog. dilatory, laggard
lagging etc. v.
slow etc. Slowness
rusty, flagging
lackadaisical, maudlin, fiddle-faddle
pottering etc. v.
shilly-shally etc. (irresolute) Irresolution. sleeping, c. v.
fast asleep, dead asleep, sound asleep
in a sound sleep
sound as a top, dormant, comatose
in the arms of Morpheus, in the lap of Morpheus. sleepy, sleepful
dozy, drowsy, somnolent, torpescent, lethargic, lethargical
statuvolent, statuvolic
heavy, heavy with sleep
somnific, somniferous
soporous, soporific, soporiferous
balmy, dreamy
unawakened, unawakened. sedative etc. Moderation.
inactively etc. adj.
at leisure etc. Leisure.
the eyes begin to draw straws
bankrupt of life yet prodigal of ease" [Dryden]
idly busy rolls their world away" [Goldsmith]
the timely dew of sleep" [Milton]
thou driftest gently down the tides of sleep" [Longfellow]
tired Nature's sweet restorer, balmy sleep" [Young].