fashion, style, ton, bon ton, society
good society, polite society
drawing-room, civilized life, civilization, town, high life, court
fashionable world, gay world
Vanity Fair
show etc. (ostentation) Sensibility. manners, breeding etc. (politeness) Courtesy
air, demeanor etc. (appearance) Appearance
gentlemanliness, gentility, decorum, propriety
conventions of society
Mrs. Grundy
form, formality
etiquette, point of etiquette
dress etc. Clothing. custom etc. Habit [includes commonness due to frequency of occurrence]
mode, vogue, go
rage etc. (desire) Desire
prevailing taste
fad, trend, bandwagon, furore, thing, in thing, craze, chic, last word. man of fashion, woman of fashion, man of the world, woman of the world
height of fashion, pink of fashion, star of fashion, glass of fashion, leader of fashion
the beautiful people, the fashion set, upper ten thousand etc. (nobility) Nobility
elite etc. (distinction) Repute
smart set
the four hundred [U.S.]
in crowd.
be fashionable etc. adj., be the rage etc. n.
have a run, pass current. follow the fashion, conform to the fashion, fall in with the fashion, follow the trend, follow the crowd etc. n.
go with the stream etc. (conform) Conformity
keep up appearances, behave oneself. set the fashion, bring in the fashion
give a tone to society, cut a figure in society
keep one's carriage.
in fashion etc. n.
a la mode
admitted in society, admissible in society etc. n.
conventional etc. (customary) Habit [includes commonness due to frequency of occurrence]
well-bred, well mannered, well behaved, well spoken
gentlemanlike, gentlemanly
civil, polite etc. (courteous) Courtesy. polished, refined, thoroughbred, courtly
janty, jaunty
dashing, fast. modish, stylish, chic, trendy, recherche
newfangled etc. (unfamiliar) Unconformity
all the rage, all the go
with it, in, faddish. in court, in full dress, in evening dress
fashionably etc. adj.
for fashion's sake.
a la francaise, a la parisienne