Topic Thesaurus
Roget's Thesaurus


  • relinquish, give up, abandon, desert, forsake, leave in the lurch
  • go back on
  • depart from, secede from, withdraw from
  • back out of
  • leave, quit, take leave of, bid a long farewell
  • vacate etc. (resign) Resignation. renounce etc. (abjure) Tergiversation
  • forego, have done with, drop
  • disuse etc. Disuse
  • discard etc. Relinquishment
  • wash one's hands of
  • drop all idea of. break off, leave off
  • desist
  • stop etc. (cease) [Change from action to rest.] Cessation
  • hold one's hand, stay one's hand
  • quit one's hold
  • give over, shut up shop. throw up the game, throw up the cards
  • give up the point, give up the argument
  • pass to the order of the day, move to the previous question.
  • unpursued
  • relinquished etc. v.
  • relinquishing etc. v..