Voluntary Powers
Special Intersocial Volition
765. Request
request, requisition
claim etc. (demand) Command
petition, suit, prayer
begging letter, round robin. motion, overture, application, canvass, address, appeal, apostrophe
proposal, proposition. orison etc. (worship) Worship
incantation etc. (spell) Spell . mendicancy
asking, begging etc. v.
postulation, solicitation, invitation, entreaty, importunity, supplication, instance, impetration, imploration, obsecration, obtestation, invocation, interpellation.
request, ask
beg, crave, sue, pray, petition, solicit, invite, pop the question, make bold to ask
beg leave, beg a boon
apply to, call to, put to
call upon, call for
make a request, address a request, prefer a request, put up a request, make a prayer, address a prayer, prefer a prayer, put up a prayer, make a petition, address a petition, prefer a petition, put up a petition
make application, make a requisition
ask trouble, ask one for
claim etc. (demand) Command
offer up prayers etc. (worship) Worship
whistle for. beg hard, entreat, beseech, plead, supplicate, implore
conjure, adjure
cry to, kneel to, appeal to
invoke, evoke
impetrate, imprecate, ply, press, urge, beset, importune, dun, tax, clamor for
cry aloud, cry for help
fall on one's knees
throw oneself at the feet of
come down on one's marrowbones. beg from door to door, send the hat round, go a begging
mendicate, mump, cadge, beg one's bread. dance attendance on, besiege, knock at the door. bespeak, canvass, tout, make interest, court
seek, bid for etc. (offer) Offer
publish the banns.
requesting etc. v.
suppliant, supplicant, supplicatory
obsecratory. importunate, clamorous, urgent
cap in hand
on one's knees, on one's bended knees, on one's marrowbones.
prithee, do, please, pray
be so good as, be good enough
have the goodness, vouchsafe, will you, I pray thee, if you please.
for God's sake!, for heaven's sake!, for goodness' sake!, for mercy's sake!
would you be so kind as to.