Voluntary Powers
Volition in General
Acts of Volition
determination, will
iron will, unconquerable will
will of one's own, decision, resolution
clear grit, true grit, grit [U.S.]
sand, strength of mind, strength of will
resolve etc. (intent) Intention
firmness etc. (stability) Stability
energy, manliness, vigor
game, pluck
resoluteness etc. (courage) [Absence of fear.] Courage
zeal etc. Activity
devotion, devotedness. mastery over self
self control, self command, self possession, self reliance, self government, self restraint, self conquest, self denial
moral courage, moral strength
perseverance etc. Resolution .Existence
obstinacy etc. Obstinacy
British lion.
have determination etc. n.
know one's own mind
be resolved etc. adj.
make up one's mind, will, resolve, determine
decide etc. (judgment) Judgment [Conclusion.]
form a determination, come to a determination, come to a resolution, come to a resolve
conclude, fix, seal, determine once for all, bring to a crisis, drive matters to an extremity
take a decisive step etc. (choice) Choice
take upon oneself etc. (undertake) Undertaking . devote oneself to, give oneself up to
throw away the scabbard, kick down the ladder, nail one's colors to the mast, set one's back against the wall, set one's teeth, put one's foot down, take one's stand
stand firm etc. (stability) Stability
steel oneself
stand no nonsense, not listen to the voice of the charmer. buckle to
buckle oneself put one's shoulder to the buckle oneself put one's shoulder to the wheel, lay one's shoulder to the wheel, set one's shoulder to the wheel
put one's heart into
run the gauntlet, make a dash at, take the bull by the horns
rush in medias res, plunge in medias res
go in for
insist upon, make a point of
set one's heart upon, set one's mind upon. stick at nothing, stop at nothing
make short work of etc. (activity) Activity
not stick at trifles
go all lengths, go the limit [Slang] , go the whole hog
persist etc. (persevere) Resolution .Existence
go through fire and water, ride the tiger, ride in the whirlwind and direct the storm.
resolved etc. v.
strong-willed, strong-minded
resolute etc. (brave) [Absence of fear.] Courage
decided, definitive, peremptory, tranchant
unhesitating, unflinching, unshrinking
firm, iron, gritty [U.S.] , indomitable, game to the backbone
inexorable, relentless, not to be shaken, not to be put down
inflexible etc. (hard) Hardness
obstinate etc. Obstinacy
steady etc. (persevering) Resolution .Existence . earnest, serious
set upon, bent upon, intent upon. steel against, proof against
resolutely etc. adj.
in earnest, in good earnest
seriously, joking apart, earnestly, heart and soul
on one's mettle
manfully, like a man, with a high hand
with a strong hand etc. (exertion) Exertion . at any rate, at any risk, at any hazard, at any price, at any cost, at any sacrifice
at all hazards, at all risks, at all events
cost what it may
a tort et a travers
once for all
neck or nothing
rain or shine.