exertion, effort, strain, tug, pull, stress, throw, stretch, struggle, spell, spurt, spirt
stroke of work, stitch of work. a strong pull a long pull and a pull all a strong pull a long pull and a pull all together
" dead lift
exercise, exercitation
wear and tear
toil and trouble
uphill work, hard work, warm work
harvest time. labor, work, toil, travail, manual labor, sweat of one's brow, swink, drudgery, slavery, fagging, hammering
industry, industriousness, operoseness, operosity. trouble, pains, duty
resolution etc. Resolution
energy etc. (physical) Physical Energy.
exert oneself
exert one's energies, tax one's energies
use exertion. labor, work, toil, moil, sweat, fag, drudge, slave, drag a lengthened chain, wade through, strive, stretch a long arm
pull, tug, ply
ply the oar, tug at the oar
do the work
take the laboring oar bestir oneself (be active) Activity
take trouble, trouble oneself. work hard
rough it
put forth one's strength, put forth a strong arm
fall to work, bend the bow
buckle to, set one's shoulder to the wheel etc. (resolution) Resolution
work like a horse, work like a cart horse, work like a galley slave, work like a coal heaver
labor day and night, work day and night
redouble one's efforts
do double duty
work double hours, work double tides
sit up, burn the candle at both ends
stick to etc. (persevere) Resolution.Existence
work one's way, fight one's way, lay about one, hammer at. take pains
do one's best, do one's level best, do one's utmost
give one hundred percent, do the best one can, do all one can, do all in one's power, do as much as in one lies, do what lies in one's power
use one's best endeavor, use one's utmost endeavor
try one's best, try one's utmost
play one's best card
put one's best leg foremost, put one's right leg foremost
have one's whole soul in his work, put all one's strength into, strain every nerve
spare no efforts, spare no pains
go all lengths
go through fire and water etc. (resolution) Resolution
move heaven and earth, leave no stone unturned.
laboring etc. v.. laborious, operose, elaborate
toilsome, troublesome, wearisome
herculean, gymnastic, palestric. hard-working, painstaking
strenuous, energetic. hard at work, on the stretch.
laboriously etc. adj.
with might and main, with all one's might, with a strong hand, with a sledge hammer, with much ado
to the best of one's abilities, tooth and nail, hammer and tongs, heart and soul
through thick and thin etc. (perseverance) Resolution.Existence. by the sweat of one's brow, suo Marte.
and still be doing, never done" [Butler]
it is better to wear out than to rust out" [Bp. Hornel]
labor, wide as the earth, has its summit in labor, wide as the earth, has its summit in Heaven" [Carlyle]