affections, affect
character, qualities, disposition, nature, spirit, tone
temper, temperament
diathesis, idiosyncrasy
cast of mind, cast of soul, habit of mind, habit of soul, frame of mind, frame of soul
predilection, turn, natural turn of mind
bent, bias, predisposition, proneness, proclivity, propensity, propenseness, propension, propendency
vein, humor, mood, grain, mettle
sympathy etc. (love) Love. soul, heart, breast, bosom, inner man
heart's core, heart's strings, heart's blood
heart of hearts, bottom of one's heart
secret and inmost recesses of the heart, cockles of one's heart
inmost heart, inmost soul
backbone. passion, pervading spirit
ruling passion, master passion
fullness of the heart, heyday of the blood, flesh and blood, flow of soul. energy, fervor, fire, force.
have affections, possess affections etc. n.
be of a character etc. n.
be affected etc. adj.
affected, characterized, formed, molded, cast
attempered, tempered
prone, inclined
having a bias etc. n.
tinctured with, imbued with, penetrated with, eaten up with. inborn, inbred, ingrained
deep-rooted, ineffaceable, inveterate
congenital, dyed in the wool, implanted by nature, inherent, in the grain. affective.
in one's heart etc. n.
at heart
heart and soul etc. Feeling.
affection is a coal that must be cool'd else affection is a coal that must be cool'd else suffer'd it will set the heart on fire" [Venus and Adonis].