Voluntary Powers
Volition in General
Acts of Volition
Habit [includes commonness due to frequency of occurrence]
Habit (includes commonness due to frequency of occurrence)
habit, habitude
assuetude, assuefaction, wont
run, way. common state of things, general state of things, natural state of things, ordinary state of things, ordinary course of things, ordinary run of things
matter of course
beaten path, beaten track, beaten ground. prescription, custom, use, usage, immemorial usage, practice
prevalence, observance
conventionalism, conventionality
mode, fashion, vogue
etiquette etc. (gentility) Fashion
order of the day, cry
conformity etc. Conformity
consuetude, dustoor. one's old way, old school
standing order, precedent, routine
red-tape, red-tapism
pipe clay
bad habit, confirmed habit, inveterate habit, intrinsic habit etc.
addiction, trick. training etc. (education) Teaching
seasoning, second nature, acclimatization
knack etc.
be wont etc. adj. . fall into a rut, fall into a custom etc. (conform to) Conformity
tread the beaten track, follow the beaten track, tread the beaten path, follow the beaten
move in a rut, run on in a groove, go round like a horse in a mill, go on in the old jog trot way. habituate, inure, harden, season, caseharden
accustom, familiarize
naturalize, acclimatize
keep one's hand in
train etc. (educate) Teaching . get into the way, get into the knack of
learn etc. Learning
cling to, adhere to
repeat etc. Repetition
acquire a habit, contract a habit, fall into a habit, acquire a trick, contract a trick, fall into a trick
addict oneself to, take to, get into. be habitual etc. adj.
come into use, become a habit, take root
gain upon one, grow upon one.
prescriptive, accustomed etc. v.
of daily occurrence, of everyday occurrence
wonted, usual, general, ordinary, common, frequent, everyday, household, garden variety, jog, trot
well-trodden, well-known
familiar, vernacular, trite, commonplace, conventional, regular, set, stock, established, stereotyped
prevailing, prevalent
current, received, acknowledged, recognized, accredited
of course, admitted, understood. conformable. etc. Conformity
according to use, according to custom, according to routine
in vogue, in fashion, in, with it
fashionable etc. (genteel) Fashion . wont
used to, given to, addicted to, attuned to, habituated etc. v.
in the habit of
at home in etc. (skillful) Skill
imbued with
devoted to, wedded to. hackneyed, fixed, rooted, deep-rooted, ingrafted, permanent, inveterate, besetting
ingrained etc. (intrinsic) Intrinsicality .
habitually etc. adj.
always etc. (uniformly) Uniformity . as usual, as is one's wont, as things go, as the world goes, as the sparks fly upwards
more suo
ex more. as a rule, for the most part
usually, generally, typically etc. adj.
most often, most frequently.
How use doth breed a habit in a man! " [Two Gentlemen]