Voluntary Powers
Prospective Volition
Conceptional Volition
Conceptional Volition
intent, intention, intentionality
project etc. Plan
undertaking etc. Undertaking
predetermination etc. Predetermination
design, ambition. contemplation, mind, animus, view, purview, proposal
look out. final cause
object, aim, end
the be all and the end all
" drift etc. (meaning) [Idea to be conveyed.] Meaning [Thing signified.]
tendency etc. Tendency
destination, mark, point, butt, goal, target, bull's-eye, quintain [Mediev.]
prey, quarry, game. decision, determination, resolve
fixed set purpose, settled purpose
resolution etc. Resolution
wish etc. Desire
motive etc. Motive . [Study of final causes] teleology.
intend, purpose, design, mean
have to
propose to oneself
harbor a design
have in view, have in contemplation, have in one's eye, have in petto
have an eye to. bid for, labor for
be after, aspire after, endeavor after
be at, aim at, drive at, point at, level at, aspire at
take aim
set before oneself
study to. take upon oneself etc. (undertake) Undertaking
take into one's head
meditate, contemplate of, think of, dream of, talk of
premeditate etc. Predetermination
compass, calculate
destine, destinate
propose. project etc. (plan) Plan
have a mind to etc. (be willing) Willingness
desire etc. Desire
pursue etc. [Purpose in action.] Pursuit .
intended etc. v.
intentional, advised, express, determinate
prepense etc. Predetermination
bound for
intending etc. v.
bent upon etc. (earnest) Resolution
at stake
on the anvil, on the tapis
in view, in prospect, in the breast of
in petto
intentionally etc. adj.
advisedly, wittingly, knowingly, designedly, purposely, on purpose, by design, studiously, pointedly
with intent etc. n.
deliberately etc. (with premeditation) Predetermination
with one's eyes open, in cold blood. for
with a view, with an eye to
in order to, in order that
to the end that, with the intent that
for the purpose of, with the view of, in contemplation of, on account of. in pursuance of, pursuant to
to all intents and purposes.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions" [Johnson]
chance etc. [Absence of assignable cause.] Chance
lot, fate etc. (necessity) Necessity
good luck etc. (good) Good
mascot. speculation, venture, stake, game of chance
mere shot, random shot
blind bargain, leap in the dark
pig in a poke etc. (uncertainty) Uncertainty
fluke, potluck
faro bank
flyer [Slang]
limit. uncertainty
uncertainty principle, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. drawing lots
sortilegy, sortition
sortes, sortes Virgilianae
hazard, ante, chuck-a-luck, crack-loo [U.S.] , craps, faro, roulette, pitch and toss, chuck, farthing, cup tossing, heads or tails cross and pile, poker-dice
bet, betting
the turf. gaming house, gambling house, betting house
bucket shop
gambling joint
totalizator, totalizer
betting ring
dice, dice box. [person who takes chances] gambler, gamester
man of the turf
chance etc. (hap) [Absence of assignable cause.] Chance
stand a chance etc. (be possible) Possibility . toss up
cast lots, draw lots
leave to chance, trust to chance, leave to the chapter of accidents, trust to the chapter of accidents
tempt fortune
chance it, take one's chance, take a shot at it (attempt) Essay
run the risk, run the chance, incur the risk, incur the chance, encounter the risk, encounter the chance
stand the hazard of the die. speculate, try one's luck, set on a cast, raffle, put into a lottery, buy a pig in a poke, shuffle the cards. risk, venture, hazard, stake
lay, lay a wager
make a bet, wager, bet, gamble, game, play for
play at chuck farthing.
fortuitous etc. [Absence of assignable cause.] Chance
unintentional, unintended
not meant
undesigned, purposed
unpremeditated etc. Impulse
unforeseen, uncontemplated, never thought of. random, indiscriminate, promiscuous
aimless, driftless, designless, purposeless, causeless
without purpose. possible etc. Possibility . unforeseeable, unpredictable, chancy, risky, speculative, dicey.
randomly, by chance, fortuitously
unpredictably, unforeseeably
casually etc. [Absence of assignable cause.] Chance
unintentionally etc. adj.
by the way, incidentally
as it may happen
at random, at a venture, at haphazard.
fearful concatenation of circumstances" [D. Webster]
fortuitous combination of circumstances" [Dickens]
the happy combination of fortuitous the happy combination of fortuitous circumstances" [Scott]
the fortuitous or casual concourse of atoms" [Bentley]
God does not play dice with the universe" [A. Einstein] .
pursuing etc. v.
enterprise etc. (undertaking) Undertaking
business etc. Business
adventure etc. (essay) Essay
quest etc. (search) Inquiry [Subject of Inquiry. Question]
scramble, hue and cry, game
still-hunt. chase, hunt, battue, race, steeple chase, hunting, coursing
venation, venery
fox chase
sport, sporting
shooting, angling, fishing, hawking
shikar (Geog loc:India) . pursuer
hunter, huntsman
shikari (Geog loc:India) , sportsman, Nimrod
hound etc. Animal .
pursue, prosecute, follow
run after, make after, be after, hunt after, prowl after
carry on etc. (do) Action
engage in etc. (undertake) Undertaking
set about etc. (begin) Beginning
endeavor etc. Essay
court etc. (request) Request
seek etc. (search) Inquiry [Subject of Inquiry. Question]
aim at etc. (intention) Intention
follow the trail etc. (trace) Inquiry [Subject of Inquiry. Question]
fish for etc. (experiment) Experiment
press on etc. (haste) Haste
run a race etc. (velocity) Velocity . chase, give chase, course, dog, hunt, hound
tread on the heels, follow on the heels of, c. (sequence) [Going after.] Sequence . rush upon
rush headlong etc. (violence) Violence , ride full tilt at, run full tilt at
make a leap at, jump at, snatch at run down
start game. tread a path
take a course, hold a course
shape one's steps, direct one's steps, bend one's steps, course
play a game
fight one's way, elbow one's way
follow up
take to, take up
go in for
ride one's hobby.
in pursuance of etc. (intention) Intention
abstain, refrain, spare, not attempt
not do etc. Inaction
maintain the even tenor of one's way. eschew, keep from, let alone, have nothing to do with
keep aloof keep off, stand aloof, stand off, hold aloof, hold off
take no part in, have no hand in. avoid, shun
steer clear of, keep clear of
fight shy of
keep one's distance, keep at a respectful distance
keep out of the way, get out of the way
evade, elude, turn away from
set one's face against etc. (oppose) Opposition
deny oneself. shrink back
hang back, hold back, draw back
recoil etc. Recoil
retire etc. (recede) [Motion from.] Recession
flinch, blink, blench, shy, shirk, dodge, parry, make way for, give place to. beat a retreat
turn tail, turn one's back
take to one's heels
runaway, run for one's life
cut and run
be off like a shot
fly, flee
fly away, flee away, run away from
take flight, take to flight
desert, elope
make off, scamper off, sneak off, shuffle off, sheer off
break away, tear oneself away, slip away, slink away, steel away, make away from, scamper away from, sneak away from, shuffle away from, sheer away from
slip cable, part company, turn one's heel
sneak out of, play truant, give one the go by, give leg bail, take French leave, slope, decamp, flit, bolt, abscond, levant, skedaddle, absquatulat [U.S.] , cut one's stick, walk one's chalks, show a light pair of heels, make oneself scarce
escape etc. Escape
go away etc. (depart) [Initial motion from.] Departure
abandon etc. Relinquishment
reject etc. Rejection . lead one a dance, lead one a pretty dance
throw off the scent, play at hide and seek.
unsought, unattempted, lest, in order to avoid.
avoiding etc. v.
neutral, shy of etc. (unwilling) Unwillingness
elusive, evasive
fugitive, runaway
shy, wild.
forbear!, keep off, hands off!, every man for himself! [Fr.Tr.]
devil take the hindmost!
things unattempted yet in prose or rhyme" [Paradise Lost] .
relinquish, give up, abandon, desert, forsake, leave in the lurch
go back on
depart from, secede from, withdraw from
back out of
leave, quit, take leave of, bid a long farewell
vacate etc. (resign) Resignation . renounce etc. (abjure) Tergiversation
forego, have done with, drop
disuse etc. Disuse
discard etc. Relinquishment
wash one's hands of
drop all idea of. break off, leave off
stop etc. (cease) [Change from action to rest.] Cessation
hold one's hand, stay one's hand
quit one's hold
give over, shut up shop. throw up the game, throw up the cards
give up the point, give up the argument
pass to the order of the day, move to the previous question.
relinquished etc. v.
relinquishing etc. v..
business, occupation, employment
pursuit etc. [Purpose in action.] Pursuit
what one is doing, what one is about
affair, concern, matter, case. matter in hand, irons in the fire
thing to do, agendum, task, work, job, chore [U.S.] , errand, commission, mission, charge, care
duty etc. Duty . part, role, cue
province, function, lookout, department, capacity, sphere, orb, field, line
walk, walk of life
beat, round, routine
race, career. office, place, post, chargeship, incumbency, living
situation, berth, employ
service etc. (servitude) Subjection
undertaking etc. Undertaking . vocation, calling, profession, cloth, faculty
industry, art
industrial arts
craft, mystery, handicraft
trade etc. (commerce) Barter . exercise
work etc. (action) Action
press of business etc. (activity) Activity .
pass one's time in, employ one's time in, spend one's time in
employ oneself in, employ oneself upon
occupy oneself with, concern oneself with
make it one's business etc. n.
undertake etc. Undertaking
enter a profession
betake oneself to, turn one's hand to
have to do with etc. (do) Action . office, place, post, chargeship, incumbency, living
situation, berth, employ
service etc. (servitude) Subjection
undertaking etc. Undertaking . drive a trade
carry on a trade, do a trade, transact a trade, carry on business, do business, transact business etc. n.
keep a shop
ply one's task, ply one's trade
labor in one's vocation
pursue the even tenor of one's way
attend to business, attend to one's work. officiate, serve, act
act one's part, play one's part
do duty
serve the office of, discharge the office of, perform the office of, perform the duties of, perform the functions of
hold an office, fill an office, fill a place, fill a situation
hold a portfolio, hold a place, hold a situation. be about, be doing, be engaged in, be employed in, be occupied with, be at work on
have one's hands in, have in hand
have on one's hands, have on one's shoulders
bear the burden
have one's hands full etc. (activity) Activity . be in the hands of, be on the stocks, be on the anvil
pass through one's hands.
official, functional
busy etc. (actively employed) Activity
on hand, in hand, in one's hands
on foot, on the anvil
going on
in the course of business, all in one's day's work
professionally etc. Adj..
a business with an income at its heels" [Cowper]
plan, scheme, design, project
proposal, proposition, suggestion
resolution, motion
precaution etc. (provision) Preparation
deep-laid plan etc. (premeditated) Predetermination
system etc. (order) Order
organization etc. (arrangement) [Reduction to Order.] Arrangement
germ etc. (cause) [Constant antecedent] . Cause . sketch, skeleton, outline, draught, draft
rough cast, rough draft, draught copy
proof, revise. drawing, scheme, schematic, graphic, chart, flow chart (representation) Representation . forecast, program, programme, prospectus
bill, protocol
order of the day, list of agenda
bill of fare etc. (food) [Eating.] Food
base of operations
platform, plank, slate [U.S.] , ticket [U.S.] . role
policy etc. (line of conduct) Conduct . contrivance, invention, expedient, receipt, nostrum, artifice, device
pipelaying [U.S.]
stratagem etc. (cunning) Cunning
trick etc. (deception) Deception
alternative, loophole
shift etc. (substitute) [Change of one thing for another.] Substitution
last shift etc. (necessity) Necessity . measure, step
stroke, stroke of policy
master stroke
trump card, court card
great gun
clever stroke, bold stroke, good move, good hit, good stroke
bright thought, bright idea. intrigue, cabal, plot, conspiracy, complot, machination
subplot, underplot, counterplot. schemer, schemist, schematist
strategist, machinator
projector, artist, promoter, designer etc. v.
intrigant etc. (cunning) Cunning .
plan, scheme, design, frame, contrive, project, forecast, sketch
devise, invent etc. (imagine) Imagination
set one's wits to work etc. Imagination
spring a project
fall upon, hit upon
strike out, chalk out, cut out, lay out, map out
lay down a plan
shape out a course, mark out a course
predetermine etc. Predetermination
concert, preconcert, preestablish
prepare etc. Preparation
hatch, hatch a plot concoct
take steps, take measures. cast, recast, systematize, organize
arrange etc. [Reduction to Order.] Arrangement
digest, mature. plot
counter-plot, counter-mine
dig a mine
lay a train
intrigue etc. (cunning) Cunning .
planned etc. v.
strategic, strategical
planning etc. v.
prepared, in course of preparation etc. Preparation
under consideration
on the tapis, on the carpet, on the floor.
method, way, manner, wise, gait, form, mode, fashion, tone, guise
modus operandi, MO
procedure etc. (line of conduct) Conduct . path, road, route, course
line of way, line of road
trajectory, orbit, track, beat, tack. steps
stair, staircase
flight of stairs, ladder, stile
perron. bridge, footbridge, viaduct, pontoon, steppingstone, plank, gangway
pass, ford, ferry, tunnel
pipe etc. Opening . door
gateway etc. (opening) Opening
channel, passage, avenue, means of access, approach, adit
artery, lane, loan [Scot.] , alley, aisle, lobby, corridor
back-door, back-stairs
secret passage
covert way
vennel. roadway, pathway, stairway
turnpike, freeway, royal road, coach road
broad highway, King's highway, Queen's highway
beaten track, beaten path
horse road, bridle road, bridle track, bridle path
walk, trottoir, footpath, pavement, flags, sidewalk
crossroad, byroad, bypath, byway
short cut etc. (mid-course) Mid-course
private road, occupation road
highways and byways
railroad, railway, tram road, tramway
canal etc. (conduit) [Channel for the passage of water.] Conduit
street etc. (abode) [Place of habitation, or resort.] Abode
speedway. adv.. how
in what way, in what manner
by what mode
so, in this way, after this fashion. one way or another, anyhow
somehow or other etc. (instrumentality) Instrumentality
by way of
on the high road to.
middle course, midcourse
mean etc. Mean
middle etc. Middle
golden mean, straight course, straight path
short cut, cross cut
great circle sailing. neutrality
half measure, half and half measures
keep in a middle course, preserve a middle course, preserve an even course, go straight etc. (direct) Direction . go halfway, compromise, make a compromise.
perform a circuit
go round about, go out of one's way
make a detour
meander etc. (deviate) Deviation . lead a pretty dance
beat about the bush
make two bites of a cherry.
circuitous, indirect, roundabout
zigzag etc. (deviating) Deviation
by a side wind, by an indirect course
in a roundabout way
from pillar to post.
requirement, need, wants, necessities
necessaries, necessaries of life
stress, exigency, pinch, sine qua non, matter of necessity
case of need, case of life or death. needfulness, essentiality, necessity, indispensability, urgency. requisition etc. (request) Request , (exaction) Command
run upon
demand, call for. charge, claim, command, injunction, mandate, order, precept. desideratum etc. (desire) Desire
want etc. (deficiency) Insufficiency .
require, need, want, have occasion for
not be able to do without, not be able to dispense with
prerequire. render necessary, necessitate, create a, necessity for, call for, put in requisition
make a requisition etc. (ask for) Request , (demand) Command . stand in need of
lack etc. Insufficiency
desire etc. Desire
be necessary etc. Adj.
required etc. v.
requisite, needful, necessary, imperative, essential, indispensable, prerequisite
called for
in demand, in request. urgent, exigent, pressing, instant, crying, absorbing. in want of
destitute of etc. Insufficiency .
there is no time to lose
it cannot be spared, it cannot be dispensed with