Topic Thesaurus
Roget's Thesaurus


  • order, regularity, uniformity, symmetry
  • music of the spheres. gradation, progression
  • series etc. (continuity) [Uninterrupted sequence.] Continuity. subordination
  • course, even tenor, routine
  • method, disposition, arrangement, array, system, economy, discipline orderliness etc. adj.. rank, place etc. (term) Term.
  • be in order, become in order etc. adj.
  • form, fall in, draw up
  • arrange itself, range itself, place itself
  • fall into one's place, take one's place, take one's rank
  • rally round. adjust, methodize, regulate, systematize.
  • in order
  • methodically etc. adj.
  • in turn, in its turn
  • by steps, step by step
  • by regular steps, by regular gradations, by regular stages, by regular intervals
  • seriatim, systematically, by clockwork
  • at stated periods etc. (periodically) Periodicity [Regularity of recurrence].
  • order is heaven's first law" [Pope]
  • order from disorder sprung" [Paradise Lost]