Pursuit (Purpose in action)
pursuing etc. v.
enterprise etc. (undertaking) Undertaking
business etc. Business
adventure etc. (essay) Essay
quest etc. (search) Inquiry [Subject of Inquiry. Question]
scramble, hue and cry, game
still-hunt. chase, hunt, battue, race, steeple chase, hunting, coursing
venation, venery
fox chase
sport, sporting
shooting, angling, fishing, hawking
shikar (Geog loc:India). pursuer
hunter, huntsman
shikari (Geog loc:India), sportsman, Nimrod
hound etc. Animal.
pursue, prosecute, follow
run after, make after, be after, hunt after, prowl after
carry on etc. (do) Action
engage in etc. (undertake) Undertaking
set about etc. (begin) Beginning
endeavor etc. Essay
court etc. (request) Request
seek etc. (search) Inquiry [Subject of Inquiry. Question]
aim at etc. (intention) Intention
follow the trail etc. (trace) Inquiry [Subject of Inquiry. Question]
fish for etc. (experiment) Experiment
press on etc. (haste) Haste
run a race etc. (velocity) Velocity. chase, give chase, course, dog, hunt, hound
tread on the heels, follow on the heels of, c. (sequence) [Going after.] Sequence. rush upon
rush headlong etc. (violence) Violence, ride full tilt at, run full tilt at
make a leap at, jump at, snatch at run down
start game. tread a path
take a course, hold a course
shape one's steps, direct one's steps, bend one's steps, course
play a game
fight one's way, elbow one's way
follow up
take to, take up
go in for
ride one's hobby.
in pursuance of etc. (intention) Intention