haste, urgency
despatch, dispatch
acceleration, spurt, spirt, forced march, rush, dash
speed, velocity etc. Velocity
precipitancy, precipitation, precipitousness etc. adj.
hurry, drive, scramble, bustle, fuss, fidget, flurry, flutter, splutter.
haste, hasten
make haste, make a dash etc. n.
hurry on, dash on, whip on, push on, press on, press forward
hurry, skurry, scuttle along, barrel along, bundle on, dart to and fro, bustle, flutter, scramble
plunge, plunge headlong
dash off
rush etc. (violence) Violence
express. bestir oneself etc. (be active) Activity
lose no time, lose not a moment, lose not an instant
make short work of
make the best of one's time, make the best of one's way. be precipitate etc. adj.
jump at, be in haste, be in a hurry etc. n.
have no time, have not a moment to lose, have not a moment to spare
work against time. quicken etc. Velocity
accelerate, expedite, put on, precipitate, urge, whip
hasty, hurried, brusque
scrambling, cursory, precipitate, headlong, furious, boisterous, impetuous, hotheaded
feverish, fussy
pushing. in haste, in a hurry etc. n.
in hot haste, in all haste
breathless, pressed for time, hard pressed, urgent.
with haste, with all haste, with breathless speed
in haste etc. adj.
apace etc. (swiftly) Velocity
all at once etc. (instantaneously) [Point of time] Instantaneity
at short notice etc.
immediately etc. (early) Earliness
by cable, by express, by telegraph, by forced marches. hastily, precipitately etc. adj.
helter-skelter, hurry-skurry, holus-bolus
slapdash, slap-bang
full-tilt, full drive
heels over head, head and shoulders, headlong, by spurts
hop skip and jump.
[panic] sauve qui peut [Fr.], every man for himself [Fr.Tr.], devil take the hindmost, no time to be lost
no sooner said than done etc. (early) Earliness
a word and a blow
haste makes waste
[Goethe's motto]
stand not upon the order of your going but go at stand not upon the order of your going but go at once" [Macbeth]
swift, swift, you dragons of the night" [Cymbeline].