Topic Thesaurus
Roget's Thesaurus


  • business, occupation, employment
  • pursuit etc. [Purpose in action.] Pursuit
  • what one is doing, what one is about
  • affair, concern, matter, case. matter in hand, irons in the fire
  • thing to do, agendum, task, work, job, chore [U.S.], errand, commission, mission, charge, care
  • duty etc. Duty. part, role, cue
  • province, function, lookout, department, capacity, sphere, orb, field, line
  • walk, walk of life
  • beat, round, routine
  • race, career. office, place, post, chargeship, incumbency, living
  • situation, berth, employ
  • service etc. (servitude) Subjection
  • engagement
  • undertaking etc. Undertaking. vocation, calling, profession, cloth, faculty
  • industry, art
  • industrial arts
  • craft, mystery, handicraft
  • trade etc. (commerce) Barter. exercise
  • work etc. (action) Action
  • avocation
  • press of business etc. (activity) Activity.
  • pass one's time in, employ one's time in, spend one's time in
  • employ oneself in, employ oneself upon
  • occupy oneself with, concern oneself with
  • make it one's business etc. n.
  • undertake etc. Undertaking
  • enter a profession
  • betake oneself to, turn one's hand to
  • have to do with etc. (do) Action. office, place, post, chargeship, incumbency, living
  • situation, berth, employ
  • service etc. (servitude) Subjection
  • engagement
  • undertaking etc. Undertaking. drive a trade
  • carry on a trade, do a trade, transact a trade, carry on business, do business, transact business etc. n.
  • keep a shop
  • ply one's task, ply one's trade
  • labor in one's vocation
  • pursue the even tenor of one's way
  • attend to business, attend to one's work. officiate, serve, act
  • act one's part, play one's part
  • do duty
  • serve the office of, discharge the office of, perform the office of, perform the duties of, perform the functions of
  • hold an office, fill an office, fill a place, fill a situation
  • hold a portfolio, hold a place, hold a situation. be about, be doing, be engaged in, be employed in, be occupied with, be at work on
  • have one's hands in, have in hand
  • have on one's hands, have on one's shoulders
  • bear the burden
  • have one's hands full etc. (activity) Activity. be in the hands of, be on the stocks, be on the anvil
  • pass through one's hands.
  • businesslike
  • workaday
  • professional
  • official, functional
  • busy etc. (actively employed) Activity
  • on hand, in hand, in one's hands
  • afoot
  • on foot, on the anvil
  • going on
  • acting.
  • in the course of business, all in one's day's work
  • professionally etc. Adj..
  • a business with an income at its heels" [Cowper]