cunning, craft
cunningness, craftiness etc. adj.
subtlety, artificiality
maneuvering etc. v.
circumvention. chicane, chicanery
sharp practice, knavery, jugglery
concealment etc. Concealment
guile, doubling, duplicity etc. (falsehood) Falsehood
foul play. diplomacy, politics
jobbery, backstairs influence. art, artifice
device, machination
plot etc. (plan) Plan
maneuver, stratagem, dodge, sidestep, artful dodge, wile
trick, trickery etc. (deception) Deception
finesse, side blow, thin end of the wedge, shift, go by, subterfuge, evasion
white lie etc. (untruth) Untruth
juggle, tour de force
tricks of the trade, tricks upon travelers
net, trap etc. Deception. Ulysses, Machiavel, sly boots, fox, reynard
Jew, Yankee
intriguer, intrigant
floater [U.S.], Indian giver [U.S.], keener [U.S.], repeater [U.S.].
be cunning etc. adj.
have cut one's eyeteeth
contrive etc. (plan) Plan
live by one's wits
intrigue, gerrymander, finesse, double, temporize, stoop to conquer, circumvent, steal a march upon
overreach etc. Deception
throw off one's guard
surprise etc. Inexpectation
snatch a verdict
waylay, undermine, introduce the thin end of the wedge
play a deep game, play tricks with
flatter, make things pleasant
have an ax to grind. dodge, sidestep, bob and weave.
cunning, crafty, artful
skillful etc. Skill
subtle, feline, vulpine
cunning as a fox, cunning as a serpent
deep, deep laid
designing, contriving
intriguing etc. v.
strategic, diplomatic, politic, Machiavelian, timeserving
tricky, tricksy
wily, sly, slim, insidious, stealthy
underhand etc. (hidden) Concealment
deceitful etc. Deception
slippery as an eel, evasive etc. [Absence of pursuit.] Avoidance
arch, pawky, shrewd, acute
sharp, sharp as a tack, sharp as a needle
canny, astute, leery, knowing, up to snuff, too clever by half, not to be caught with chaff. tactful, diplomatic, politic
polite etc. Courtesy.
cunningly etc. adj.
slyly, slily, on the sly, by a side wind.
diamond cut diamond
something is rotten in the state of something is rotten in the state of Denmark" [Hamlet].