Voluntary Powers
Prospective Volition
Precursory Measures
providing etc. v.
provision, providence
anticipation etc. (foresight) Foresight
precaution, preconcertation, predisposition
forecast etc. (plan) Plan
rehearsal, note of preparation. [Putting in order] arrangement etc. [Reduction to Order.] Arrangement
adjustment etc. Agreement
equipment, outfit, accouterment, armament, array. ripening etc. v.
maturation, evolution
elaboration, concoction, digestion
gestation, batching, incubation, sitting. groundwork, first stone, cradle, stepping-stone
foundation, scaffold etc. (support) Support
inurement etc. (habit) Habit [includes commonness due to frequency of occurrence]
cooking [Preparation of food] , cookery
brewing, culinary art
tilling, plowing, [Preparation of the soil] , sowing
semination, cultivation. [State of being prepared] preparedness, readiness, ripeness, mellowness
pioneer, trailblazer
sappers and miners, pavior, navvy
packer, stevedore
warming pan.
get ready, make ready
make preparations, settle preliminaries, get up, sound the note of preparation. set in order, put in order etc. (arrange) [Reduction to Order.] Arrangement
forecast etc. (plan) Plan
prepare the ground, plow the ground, dress the ground
till the soil, cultivate the soil
predispose, sow the seed, lay a train, dig a mine
lay the groundwork, fix the groundwork, lay the basis, fix the basis, lay the foundations, fix the foundations
dig the foundations, erect the scaffolding
lay the first stone etc. (begin) Beginning . roughhew
cut out work
block out, hammer out
lick into shape etc. (form) Form . elaborate, mature, ripen, mellow, season, bring to maturity
nurture etc. (aid) Aid
hatch, cook, brew
temper, anneal, smelt
maturate. equip, arm, man
fit-out, fit up
furnish, rig, dress, garnish, betrim, accouter, array, fettle, fledge
dress up, furbish up, brush up, vamp up
sharpen one's tools, trim one's foils, set, prime, attune
whet the knife, whet the sword
wind up, screw up
adjust etc. (fit) [Sameness of quantity or degree.] Equality
put in trim, put in train, put in gear, put in working order, put in tune, put in a groove for, put in harness
pack. train etc. (teach) Teaching
inure etc. (habituate) Habit [includes commonness due to frequency of occurrence]
prepare for etc.
make provision for
take steps, take measures, take precautions
provide, provide against
beat up for recruits
open the door to etc. (facilitate) Facility . set one's house in order, make all snug
clear the decks, clear for action
close one's ranks
shuffle the cards. prepare oneself
serve an apprenticeship etc. (learn) Learning
lay oneself out for, get into harness, gird up one's loins, buckle on one's armor, prime and load, shoulder arms, get the steam up, put the horses to. guard against, make sure against
forearm, make sure, prepare for the evil day, have a rod in pickle, provide against a rainy day, feather one's nest
lay in provisions etc. Provision
make investments
keep on foot. be prepared, be ready etc. adj.
hold oneself in readiness, keep one's powder dry
lie in wait for etc. (expect) Expectation
anticipate etc. (foresee) Foresight
preparing etc. v.
in preparation, in course of preparation, in agitation, in embryo, in hand, in train
afoot, afloat
on foot, on the stocks, on the anvil
under consideration etc. (plan) Plan
brewing, batching, forthcoming, brooding
in store for, in reserve. precautionary, provident
preparative, preparatory
provisional, inchoate, under revision
preliminary etc. (precedent) Precedence . prepared etc. v.
in readiness
ready, ready to one's band, ready made, ready cut and dried: made to one's hand, handy, on the table
in gear
in working order, in working gear
in practice. ripe, mature, mellow
practiced etc. (skilled) Skill
labored, elaborate, highly-wrought, smelling of the lamp, worked up. in full feather, in best bib and tucker
in harness, at harness
in the saddle, in arms, in battle array, in war paint
up in arms
armed at all points, armed to the teeth, armed cap a pie
sword in hand
on the alert etc. (vigilant) Care [Vigilance.]
at one's post.
in preparation, in anticipation of
against, for
looking before and after" [Hamlet]