Cessation (Change from action to rest)
cessation, discontinuance, desistance, desinence. intermission, remission
suspense, suspension
stopping etc. v.
closure, stoppage, halt
arrival etc. [Terminal motion at.] Arrival. pause, rest, lull, respite, truce, drop
interregnum, abeyance
cloture [U.S.]. dead stop, dead stand, dead lock
blowout, burnout, meltdown, disintegration
comma, colon, semicolon, period, full stop
end etc. End
death etc. Death.
cease, discontinue, desist, stay, halt
break off, leave off
hold, stop, pull up, stop short
stick, hang fire
pause, rest
burn out, blow out, melt down. have done with, give over, surcease, shut up shop
give up etc. (relinquish) Relinquishment. hold one's hand, stay one's hand
rest on one's oars repose on one's laurels. come to a stand, come to a standstill
come to a deadlock, come to a full stop
arrive etc. [Terminal motion at.] Arrival
go out, die away
wear away, wear off
pass away etc. (be past) [Retrospective time.] The Past
be at an end
disintegrate, self-destruct. intromit, interrupt, suspend, interpel
intermit, remit
put an end to, put a stop to, put a period to
turn off, switch off, power down, deactivate, disconnect
bring to a stand, bring to a standstill
stop, cut short, arrest, stem the tide, stem the torrent
pull the check-string, pull the plug on.
hold!, stop!, enough!, avast!, have done!, a truce to!, soft!, leave off!
I pause for a reply" [Julius Caesar].