Sentient and Moral Powers
Moral Affections
Moral Conditions
Moral Conditions
probity, integrity, rectitude
uprightness etc. adj.
honesty, faith
good faith
purity, clean hands. fairness etc. adj.
fair play, justice, equity, impartiality, principle, even-handedness
grace. constancy
faithfulness etc. adj.
fidelity, loyalty
incorruption, incorruptibility. trustworthiness etc. adj.
truth, candor, singleness of heart
veracity etc. Veracity
tender conscience etc. (sense of duty) Duty . punctilio, delicacy, nicety
scrupulosity, scrupulousness etc. adj.
point, point of honor
punctuality. dignity etc. , (repute) Repute
respectability, respectableness etc. adj.
man of honor, man of his word
truepenny, trump, brick
true Briton
white man [U.S.] . court of honor, a fair field and no favor
be honorable etc. adj.
deal honorably, deal squarely, deal impartially, deal fairly
speak the truth etc. (veracity) Veracity
draw a straight furrow
tell the truth and shame the Devil
show a proper spirit, make a point of
do one's duty etc. (virtue) Virtue . redeem one's pledge etc. Duty
keep one's promise, be as good as one's promise, be as good as one's word
keep faith with, not fail. give and take, give the Devil his due, put the saddle on the right horse. redound to one's honor.
honest, honest as daylight
veracious etc. Veracity
virtuous etc. Virtue
fair, right, just, equitable, impartial, evenhanded, square
fair and aboveboard, open and aboveboard
white [U.S.] . constant, constant as the northern star
faithful, loyal, staunch
true, true blue, true to one's colors, true to the core, true as the needle to the pole
marble-constant" [Antony and Cleopatra]
true-hearted, trusty, trustworthy
as good as one's word, to be depended on, incorruptible. straightforward etc. (ingenuous) Artlessness
frank, candid, open-hearted. conscientious, tender-conscienced, right-minded
high-principled, high-minded
scrupulous, religious, strict
nice, punctilious, correct, punctual
respectable, reputable
gentlemanlike. inviolable, inviolate
unviolated, unbroken, unbetrayed
unbought, unbribed. innocent etc. Innocence
pure, stainless
unstained, untarnished, unsullied, untainted, unperjured
uncorrupt, uncorrupted
undefiled, undepraved, undebauched
jealous of honor
high-spirited. supramundane, unworldly, other-worldly, overscrupulous.
honorable etc. adj.
bona fide
on the square, in good faith, honor bright, with clean hands.
a face untaught to feign" [Pope]
probitas laudatur et alget [Juvenal]
his heart as far from fraud as heaven from his heart as far from fraud as heaven from earth" [Two Gentlemen]
what stronger breastplate than a heart what stronger breastplate than a heart untainted? [Henry VI] .
dishonesty, dishonor
deviation from rectitude
disgrace etc. (disrepute) Disrepute
fraud etc. (deception) Deception
lying etc. Falsehood
bad faith, Punic faith
faithlessness etc. adj.
Judas kiss, betrayal. breach of promise, breach of trust, breach of faith
prodition, disloyalty, treason, high treason
apostasy etc. (tergiversation) Tergiversation
nonobservance etc. Nonobservance . shabbiness etc. adj.
villainy, villany
baseness etc. adj.
abjection, debasement, turpitude, moral turpitude, laxity, trimming, shuffling. perfidy
perfidiousness etc. adj.
treachery, double dealing
unfairness etc. adj.
knavery, roguery, rascality, foul play
jobbing, jobbery
graft, bribery
venality, nepotism
corruption, job, shuffle, fishy transaction
barratry, sharp practice, heads I win tails you lose
mouth honor etc. (flattery) Flattery .
be dishonest etc. adj.
play false
break one's word, break one's faith, break one's promise
jilt, betray, forswear
shuffle etc. (lie) Falsehood
live by one's wits, sail near the wind. disgrace oneself, dishonor oneself, demean oneself
derogate, stoop, grovel, sneak, lose caste
sell oneself, go over to the enemy
seal one's infamy.
dishonest, dishonorable
unconscientious, unscrupulous
fraudulent etc. Deception
disgraceful etc. (disreputable) Penalty
wicked etc. Vice . false-hearted, disingenuous
unfair, one-sided
double, double-hearted, double-tongued, double-faced
timeserving, crooked, tortuous, insidious, Machiavelian, dark, slippery
perfidious, treacherous, perjured. infamous, arrant, foul, base, vile, ignominious, blackguard. contemptible, unrespectable, abject, mean, shabby, little, paltry, dirty, scurvy, scabby, sneaking, groveling, scrubby, rascally, pettifogging
beneath one. low-minded, low-thoughted
base-minded. undignified, indign
unbecoming, unbeseeming, unbefitting
derogatory, degrading
beneath one's dignity
ungentlemanly, ungentlemanlike
unknightly, unchivalric, unmanly, unhandsome
recreant, inglorious. corrupt, venal
debased, mongrel. faithless, of bad faith, false, unfaithful, disloyal
trustless, trothless
lost to shame, dead to honor
dishonestly etc. adj.
like a thief in the night, by crooked paths.
O tempora! , O mores!, [Cicero] .
knave, rogue
Scapin, rascal
Lazarillo de Tormes
bad man etc. Bad Man
blackguard etc. Bad Man
barrater, barrator
shyster [U.S.] . traitor, betrayer, archtraitor, conspirator, Judas, Catiline
reptile, serpent, snake in the grass, wolf in sheep's clothing, sneak, Jerry Sneak, squealer [Slang] , tell-tale, mischief-maker
trimmer, fence-sitter, renegade etc. (tergiversation) Tergiversation
truant, recreant
sycophant etc. (servility) Servility .
disinterestedness etc. adj.
liberality, liberalism
benevolence etc. Benevolence
elevation, loftiness of purpose, exaltation, magnanimity
chivalry, chivalrous spirit
heroism, sublimity. self-denial, self-abnegation, self-sacrifice, self-immolation, self-control etc. (resolution) Resolution
stoicism, devotion, martyrdom, suttee. labor of love.
be disinterested etc. adj.
make a sacrifice, lay one's head on the block
put oneself in the place of others, do as one would be done by, do unto others as we would men should do unto us.
self-denying, self-sacrificing, self-devoted
generous. handsome, liberal, noble, broad-minded
noble-minded, high-minded
princely, great, high, elevated, lofty, exalted, spirited, stoical, magnanimous
great-hearted, large-hearted
chivalrous, heroic, sublime. unbought, unbribed
uncorrupted etc. (upright) Probity .
selfishness etc. adj.
self-love, self-indulgence, self-worship, self-interest
egotism, egoism
c. (vanity) Vanity
nepotism. worldliness etc. adj.
world wisdom. illiberality
meanness etc. adj. . time-pleaser, time-server
tuft-hunter, fortune-hunter
jobber, worldling
egotist, egoist, monopolist, nepotist
dog in the manger, charity that begins at home
foes to nobleness, " temporizer, trimmer.
be selfish etc. adj.
please oneself, indulge oneself, coddle oneself
consult one's own wishes, consult one's own pleasure
look after one's own interest
feather one's nest
take care of number one, have an eye to the main chance, know on which side one's bread is buttered
give an inch and take an ell.
self-seeking, self-indulgent, self-interested, self-centered
wrapped up in self, wrapt up in self, centered in self
egotistic, egotistical
egoistical. illiberal, mean, ungenerous, narrow-minded
mercenary, venal
covetous etc. Parsimony . unspiritual, earthly, earthly-minded
worldly, worldly-minded
timeserving. interested
ungenerously etc. adj.
to gain some private ends, from interested motives.
virtuousness etc. adj.
moral rectitude
integrity etc. (probity) Probity
nobleness etc. Repute . morals
ethics etc. (duty) Duty
cardinal virtues. merit, worth, desert, excellence, credit
self-control etc. (resolution) Resolution
self-denial etc. (temperance) Temperance . well-doing
good actions, good behavior
discharge of duty, fulfillment of duty, performance of duty
well-spent life
innocence etc. Innocence .
be virtuous etc. adj.
practice virtue etc. n.
do one's duty, fulfill one's duty, perform one's duty, discharge one's duty
redeem one's pledge, keep one's promise etc. Duty
act well, act one's part
fight the good fight
acquit oneself well
command one's passions, master one's passions
keep in the right path. set an example, set a good example
be on one's good behavior, be on one's best behavior.
virtuous, good
innocent etc. Innocence
meritorious, deserving, worthy, desertful, correct
dutiful, duteous
right, righteous, right-minded
well-intentioned, creditable, laudable, commendable, praiseworthy
above all praise, beyond all praise
excellent, admirable
sterling, pure, noble
whole-souled. exemplary
matchless, peerless
saintly, saint-like
heaven-born, angelic, seraphic, godlike.
virtue the greatest of all monarchies" [Swift]
virtus laudatur et alget [Juvenal]
evil-doing, evil courses
wickedness, viciousness etc. adj.
iniquity, peccability, demerit
sin, Adam
old Adam, offending Adam. immorality, impropriety, indecorum, scandal, laxity, looseness of morals
enphagy, dophagy, exophagy
want of principle, want of ballast
obliquity, backsliding, infamy, demoralization, pravity, depravity, pollution
hardness of heart
brutality etc. (malevolence) Malevolence
corruption etc. (debasement) Deterioration
knavery etc. (improbity) Improbity
flagrancy, atrocity
lesbianism, Sadism. infirmity
weakness etc. adj.
weakness of the flesh, frailty, imperfection
weak side
failing, failure
crying sin, besetting sin
defect, deficiency
cloven foot. lowest dregs of vice, sink of iniquity, Alsatian den
criminality etc. (guilt) Guilt . sinner etc. Bad Man . [Resorts] brothel etc. Impurity
gambling house etc. [Absence of purpose in the succession of events] Chance
joint [Slang] , opium den, shooting gallery, crack house.
be vicious etc. adj.
sin, commit sin, do amiss, err, transgress
misdemean oneself, forget oneself, misconduct oneself
misdo, misbehave
fall, lapse, slip, trip, offend, trespass
deviate from the line of duty, deviate from the path of virtue etc. Virtue
take a wrong course, go astray
hug a sin, hug a fault
sow one's wild oats. render vicious etc. adj.
demoralize, brutalize
corrupt etc. (degrade) Deterioration .
sinning etc. v.
wicked, iniquitous, immoral, unrighteous, wrong, criminal
naughty, incorrect
unduteous, undutiful. unprincipled, lawless, disorderly, indecorous, unseemly, improper
dissolute, profligate, scampish
disgraceful, recreant
reprehensible, blameworthy, uncommendable
discreditable, disreputable
Sadistic. base, sinister, scurvy, foul, gross, vile, black, grave, facinorous, felonious, nefarious, shameful, scandalous, infamous, villainous, of a deep dye, heinous
flagrant, flagitious
atrocious, incarnate, accursed. Mephistophelian, satanic, diabolic, hellish, infernal, stygian, fiendlike, hell-born, demoniacal, devilish, fiendish. miscreated, misbegotten
demoralized, corrupt, depraved. evil-minded, evil-disposed
malevolent etc. Malevolence
heartless, graceless, shameless, virtueless
abandoned, lost to virtue
sunk in iniquity, lost in iniquity, steeped in iniquity. incorrigible, irreclaimable, obdurate, reprobate, past praying for
culpable, reprehensible etc. (guilty) Guilt . unjustifiable
indefensible, inexcusable
inexpiable, unpardonable, irremissible. weak, frail, lax, infirm, imperfect
demoralizing, degrading.
sinfully etc. adj.
without excuse.
alitur vitium vivitque tegendo [Vergil]
the trail of the serpent is over them all" [Moore]
to sanction vice and hunt decorum down" [Bryon] .
guiltlessness etc. adj.
incorruption, impeccability. clean hands, clear conscience, lamb, dove.
be innocent etc. adj.
exculpate etc. (vindicate) Vindication .
innocent, not guilty
guiltless, faultless, sinless, stainless, bloodless, spotless
clear, immaculate
unspotted, unblemished, unerring
undefiled etc. Probity
unhardened, Saturnian
Arcadian etc. (artless) Artlessness . inculpable, unculpable
unblamed, unblamable
blameless, unfallen, inerrable, above suspicion
irreproachable, irreprovable, irreprehensible
unexceptionable, unobjectionable, unimpeachable
venial etc. Vindication . harmless
inoffensive, innoxious, innocuous
dove-like, lamb-like
pure, harmless as doves
innocent as a lamb, innocent as the babe unborn
more sinned against than sinning" [Lear] . virtuous etc. Virtue
unreproved, unimpeached, unreproached.
innocently etc. adj.
with clean hands
with a clear conscience, with a safe conscience.
murus aeneus conscientia sana [Horace] .
guilt, guiltiness
criminality, criminousness
deviation from rectitude etc. (improbity) Improbity
sinfulness etc. (vice) Vice . misconduct, misbehavior, misdoing, misdeed
malpractice, fault, sin, error, transgression
dereliction, delinquency
indiscretion, lapse, slip, trip, peccadillo
flaw, blot, omission
failing, failure
break, bad break! [U.S.] , capital crime, trespass
misdemeanor, misfeasance, misprision
malefaction, malfeasance, malversation
crime, felony. enormity, atrocity, outrage
deadly sin, mortal sin
deed without a name" [Macbeth] . corpus delicti.
guilty, to blame, culpable, peccable, in fault, at fault, censurable, reprehensible, blameworthy, uncommendable, illaudable
weighed in the balance and found wanting
red-handed, in the very act, with one's hand in the cookie jar.
O would the deed were good! " [Richard II]
responsibility prevents crimes" [Burke]
so many laws argues so many sins" [Paradise Lost] .
good man, honest man, worthy. good woman, perfect lady, Madonna. model, paragon etc. (perfection) Perfection
good example
hero, heroine, demigod, seraph, angel
innocent etc. Innocence
saint etc. (piety) Piety
benefactor etc. Benefactor
philanthropist etc. Philanthropy
noble liver, pattern. brick [Slang] , trump [Slang] , gem, jewel, good fellow, prince, diamond in the rough, rough diamond, ugly duckling. salt of the earth
one in ten thousand
one in a million
a gentleman and a scholar
pillar of society, pillar of the community, a man among men.
bad man, wrongdoer, worker of iniquity
evildoer etc. [Maleficent being] Evil doer
the wicked etc. Vice
bad example. villain, rascal, scoundrel, miscreant, budmash, caitiff
wretch, reptile, viper, serpent, cockatrice, basilisk, urchin
tiger, monster
devil etc. (demon) Demon
devil incarnate
demon in human shape, Nana Sahib
hellhound, hellcat
rakehell. bad woman, jade, Jezebel. scamp, scapegrace, rip, runagate, ne'er-do-well, reprobate, scalawag, rake
skeesicks [Slang] , skeezix [U.S.]
one who has sold himself to the devil, fallen angel, vaurien, loose fish, sad dog
rounder [Slang]
lost sheep, black sheep
castaway, recreant, defaulter
prodigal etc. Prodigality . rough, rowdy, hooligan, tough, ugly customer, mean mother [Coll.] , ruffian, bully, meanie [Joc.]
Jonathan Wild
hangman. incendiary, arsonist, fire bug [U.S.] . thief etc. Thief
murderer, terrorist etc. [Destruction of life; violent death.] Killing . [person who violates the criminal law] culprit, delinquent, crook, hoodlum, hood, criminal, thug, malefactor, offender, perpetrator, perp [Coll.]
disorderly person, misdemeanant [Law]
felon, (convicted criminal)
convict, prisoner, inmate, jail bird, ticket of leave man
multiple offender. blackguard, polisson, loafer, sneak
rapscallion, rascallion
cullion, mean wretch, varlet, kern, drole
cur, dog, hound, whelp, mongrel
lown, loon, runnion, outcast, vagabond
rogue etc. (knave) Knave
scum of the earth, riffraff
Arcades ambo.
penitence, contrition, compunction, repentance, remorse
regret etc. Regret . self-reproach, self-reproof, self-accusation, self-condemnation, self-humiliation
stings of conscience, pangs of conscience, qualms of conscience, prickings of conscience, twinge of conscience, twitch of conscience, touch of conscience, voice of conscience
compunctious visitings of nature. acknowledgment, confession etc. (disclosure) Disclosure
apology etc. Atonement
recantation etc. Tergiversation
penance etc. Atonement
resipiscence. awakened conscience, deathbed repentance, stool of repentance, cuttystool. penitent, repentant, Magdalen, prodigal son, a sadder and a wiser man" [Coleridge] .
repent, be sorry for
be penitent etc. adj.
regret etc. Regret
think better of
recant etc. Tergiversation
knock under etc. (submit) Submission
plead guilty
cry peccavi
own oneself in the wrong
acknowledge, confess etc. , (disclose) Disclosure
humble oneself
beg pardon etc. (apologize) Atonement
turn over a new leaf, put on the new man, turn from sin
repent in sackcloth and ashes etc. , (do penance) Atonement
learn by experience.
repenting etc. v.
repentant, contrite
conscience-smitten, conscience-stricken
self-accusing, self-convicted. penitential, penitentiary
reclaimed, reborn
not hardened
Georges Dandin
and wet his grave with my repentant tears" [Richard III] .
impenitence, irrepentance, recusance
lack of contrition. hardness of heart, seared conscience, induration, obduracy.
be impenitent etc. adj.
steel the heart, harden the heart
die game, die and make no sign, die unshriven, die without benefit of clergy.
impenitent, uncontrite, obdurate
hard, hardened
seared, recusant
relentless, remorseless, graceless, shriftless. lost, incorrigible, irreclaimable. unreconstructed, unregenerate, unreformed
unrepented, unreclaimed, unatoned.
atonement, reparation
compromise, composition
compensation etc. Compensation
quittance, quits
expiation, redemption, reclamation, conciliation, propitiation
indemnification, redress. amends, apology, amende honorable, satisfaction
peace offering, sin offering, burnt offering
scapegoat, sacrifice. penance, fasting, maceration, sackcloth and ashes, white sheet, shrift, flagellation, lustration
purgation, purgatory.
atone, atone for
make amends, make good
reclaim, redeem, repair, ransom, absolve, purge, shrive, do penance, stand in a white sheet, repent in sackcloth and ashes, wear a hairshirt. set one's house in order, wipe off old scores, make matters up
pay the forfeit, pay the penalty. apologize, beg pardon, give satisfaction
come down on one's knees, fall down on one's knees, down on one's marrow bones.