distinction, mark, name, figure
repute, reputation
good repute, high repute
note, notability, notoriety, eclat, the bubble reputation" [As You Like It], vogue, celebrity
fame, famousness
approbation etc. Approbation
credit, prestige, talk of the town
name to conjure with. glory, honor
luster etc. (light) Light
illustriousness etc. adj.. account, regard, respect
reputableness etc. adj.
respectability etc. (probity) Probity
good name, good report
fair name. dignity
stateliness etc. adj.
solemnity, grandeur, splendor, nobility, majesty, sublimity. rank, standing, brevet rank, precedence, pas, station, place, status
position, position in society
order, degree, baccalaureate, caste, condition. greatness etc. adj.
height etc. Height
importance etc. Importance
preeminence, supereminence
high mightiness, primacy
top of the ladder, top of the tree. elevation
ascent etc. [Motion upwards] Ascent
superaltation, exaltation
dignification, aggrandizement. dedication, consecration, enthronement, canonization, celebration, enshrinement, glorification. hero, man of mark, great card, celebrity, worthy, lion, notability, somebody
man of rank etc. (nobleman) Nobility
pillar of the state, pillar of the church, pillar of the community. chief etc. (master) Master
first fiddle etc. (proficient) Proficient
cynosure, mirror
flower, pink, pearl
paragon etc. (perfection) Perfection
choice and master spirits of the age
star, sun, constellation, galaxy. ornament, honor, feather in one's cap, halo, aureole, nimbus
halo of glory, blaze of glory, blushing honors
laurels etc. (trophy) Trophy. memory, posthumous fame, niche in the temple of fame
immortality, immortal name
be conscious of glory
be proud of etc. (pride) Pride
exult etc. (boast) Boasting
be vain of etc. (vanity) Vanity. be distinguished etc. adj.
shine etc. (light) Light
shine forth, figure
cut a figure, make a dash, make a splash. rival, surpass
outshine, outrival, outvie, outjump
emulate, eclipse
throw into the shade, cast into the shade
overshadow. live, flourish, glitter, flaunt, gain honor, acquire honor etc. n.
play first fiddle etc. (be of importance) Importance, bear the palm, bear the bell
lead the way
take precedence, take the wall of
gain laurels, win laurels, gain spurs, gain golden opinions etc. (approbation) Approbation
take one's degree, pass one's examination. make a noise, make some noise, make a noise in the world
leave one's mark, exalt one's horn, blow one's horn, star it, have a run, be run after
come into vogue, come to the front
raise one's head. enthrone, signalize, immortalize, deify, exalt to the skies
hand one's name down to posterity. consecrate
dedicate to, devote to
enshrine, inscribe, blazon, lionize, blow the trumpet, crown with laurel. confer honor on, reflect honor on etc. v.
shed a luster on
- one's honor, ennoble. give honor to, do honor to, pay honor to, render honor to
honor, accredit, pay regard to, dignify, glorify
sing praises to etc. (approve) Approbation
lock up to
exalt, aggrandize, elevate
distinguished, noted
of note etc. n.
honored etc. v.
fashionable etc. Fashion. in good odor in
favor, in high favor
reputable, respectable, creditable. remarkable etc. (important) Importance
notable, notorious
celebrated, renowned, ion every one's mouth, talked of
famous, famed
conspicuous, to the front
in the front rank, in the ascendant. imperishable, deathless, immortal, never fading
time honored. illustrious, glorious, splendid, brilliant, radiant
bright etc. Light
honorific. eminent, prominent
high etc. Height
in the zenith
at the head of, at the top of the tree
peerless, of the first water.
superior etc. [Supremacy.] Superiority
supereminent, preeminent. great, dignified, proud, noble, honorable, worshipful, lordly, grand, stately, august, princely. imposing, solemn, transcendent, majestic, sacred, sublime, heaven-born, heroic
hail!, all hail!, ave!, viva!, long life to!
glory be to, honor be to?
one's name being in every mouth, one's name living for ever
not to know him argues oneself unknown
none but himself could be his parallel
great is the glory for the strife is hard" [Wordsworth]
immensum gloria calcar habet [Ovid]
the glory dies not and the grief is past" [Brydges]