Topic Thesaurus
Roget's Thesaurus


  • piety, religion, theism, faith
  • religiousness, holiness etc. adj.
  • saintship
  • religionism
  • sanctimony etc. (assumed piety) Impiety
  • reverence etc. (respect) Respect
  • humility, veneration, devotion
  • prostration etc. (worship) Worship
  • grace, unction, edification
  • sanctity, sanctitude
  • consecration. spiritual existence, odor of sanctity, beauty of holiness. theopathy, beatification, adoption, regeneration, conversion, justification, sanctification, salvation, inspiration, bread of life
  • Body and Blood of Christ. believer, convert, theist, Christian, devotee, pietist
  • the good, the righteous, the just, the believing, the elect
  • Saint, Madonna, Our Lady. the children of God, the children of the Kingdom, the children of the light.
  • be pious etc. adj.
  • have faith etc. n.
  • believe, receive Christ
  • revere etc. Respect
  • be converted etc.
  • convert, edify, sanctify, keep holy, beatify, regenerate, inspire, consecrate, enshrine.
  • pious, religious, devout, devoted, reverent, godly, heavenly-minded, humble, pure, holy, spiritual, pietistic
  • saintly, saint-like
  • seraphic, sacred, solemn. believing, faithful, Christian, Catholic. elected, adopted, justified, sanctified, regenerated, inspired, consecrated, converted, unearthly, not of the earth.
  • pure-eyed Faith . . . thou hovering angel girt with pure-eyed Faith . . . thou hovering angel girt with golden wings" [Milton].