Topic Thesaurus
Roget's Thesaurus


  • temperance, moderation, sobriety, soberness. forbearance, abnegation
  • self-denial, self-restraint, self-control etc. (resolution) Resolution. frugality
  • vegetarianism, teetotalism, total abstinence
  • abstinence, abstemiousness
  • Encratism, prohibition
  • system of Pythagoras, system of Cornaro
  • Pythagorism, Stoicism. vegetarian
  • Pythagorean, gymnosophist. teetotaler etc. Sobriety
  • abstainer
  • designated driver
  • Encratite, fruitarian, hydropot.
  • be temperate etc. adj.
  • abstain, forbear, refrain, deny oneself, spare, swear off. know when one has had enough, know one's limit. take the pledge, go on the wagon.
  • temperate, moderate, sober, frugal, sparing
  • abstemious, abstinent
  • within compass
  • measured etc. (sufficient) Sufficiency. on the wagon, on the water wagon. [Locations where alcoholic beverages are prohibited] dry. Pythagorean
  • vegetarian
  • teetotal.
  • l'abstenir pour jouir c'est l'epicurisme de la l'abstenir pour jouir c'est l'epicurisme de la raison [Rousseau]