prodigality, prodigence
unthriftiness, waste
profusion, profuseness
squandering etc. v.
malversation. prodigal
spendthrift, waste thrift
losel, squanderer, locust
high roller [U.S.].
be prodigal etc. adj.
squander, lavish, sow broadcast
pour forth like water
blow, blow in [Slang]
pay through the nose etc. (dear) Dearness
spill, waste, dissipate, exhaust, drain, eat out of house and home, overdraw, outrun the constable
run out, run through
throw good money after bad, throw the helve after the hatchet
burn the candle at both ends
make ducks and drakes of one's money
fool away one's money, potter away one's money, muddle away one's money, fritter away one's money, throw away one's money, run through one's money
pour water into a sieve, kill the goose that lays the golden eggs
prodigal, profuse, thriftless, unthrifty, improvident, wasteful, losel, extravagant, lavish, dissipated, overliberal
full-handed etc. (liberal) Liberality. penny wise and pound foolish.
with an unsparing hand
money burning a hole in one's pocket.
spendthrift alike of money and of wit" [Cowper]
squandering wealth was his peculiar squandering wealth was his peculiar art" [Dryden].