Topic Thesaurus
Roget's Thesaurus


  • nonobservance etc. Observance
  • evasion, inobservance, failure, omission, neglect, laches [Law], laxity, informality. infringement, infraction
  • violation, transgression
  • piracy. retraction, retractation, repudiation, nullification
  • protest
  • forfeiture. lawlessness
  • disobedience etc. Disobedience
  • bad faith etc. Improbity.
  • fail, neglect, omit, elude, evade, give the go-by to, set aside, ignore
  • shut one's eyes to, close one's eyes to. infringe, transgress, violate, pirate, break, trample under foot, do violence to, drive a coach and six through. discard, protest, repudiate, fling to the winds, set at naught, nullify, declare null and void
  • cancel etc. (wipe off) [Suppression of sign.] Obliteration. retract, go back from, be off, forfeit, go from one's word, palter
  • stretch a point, strain a point.
  • violating etc. v.
  • lawless, transgressive
  • elusive, evasive. unfulfilled etc. (fulfill) etc. Observance.