carelessness etc. adj.
trifling etc. v.
omission, oversight, laches [Law], default
supineness etc. (inactivity) Inactivity
inattention etc. Inattention
nonchalance etc. (insensibility) Insensibility
imprudence, recklessness etc. Rashness
slovenliness etc. (disorder) [Absence, or want of Order, etc.] Disorder, (dirt) Uncleanness
improvidence etc. Nonpreparation
noncompletion etc. Noncompletion
inexactness etc. (error) Error. paralipsis, paralepsis, paraleipsis (in rhetoric). trifler, waiter on Providence
be negligent etc. adj.
take no care of etc. (take care of) etc. Care [Vigilance.]
let slip, let go
lay aside, set aside, cst aside, put aside
keep out of sight, put out of sight
lose sight of. overlook, disregard
pass over, pas by
let pass
wink at, connive at
gloss over
take no note of, take no thought of, take no account of, take no notice of
pay no regard to
trifle, fribble
do by halves
slight etc. (despise) Contempt
play with, trifle with
slur, skim, skim the surface
take a cursory view of etc. Attention. slur over, skip over, jump over, slip over
pretermit, miss, skip, jump, omit, give the go-by to, push aside, pigeonhole, shelve, sink
table [Parl.]
ignore, shut one's eyes to, refuse to hear, turn a deaf ear to
leave out of one's calculation
not attend to etc. Attention, not mind
not trouble oneself about, not trouble one's head about, not trouble oneself with
forget etc. Oblivion
be caught napping etc. (not expect) Inexpectation
leave a loose thread
let the grass grow under one's feet. render neglectful etc. adj.
put off one's guard, throw off one's guard
distract, divert.
neglecting etc. v.
unmindful, negligent, neglectful
heedless, careless, thoughtless
perfunctory, remiss
feebleness etc. Feebleness. inconsiderate
uncircumspect, incircumspect
off one's guard
unwary, unwatchful, unguarded
offhand. supine etc. (inactive) Inactivity
inattentive etc. Inattention
insouciant etc. (indifferent) Insensibility
imprudent, reckless etc. Rashness
slovenly etc. (disorderly) [Absence, or want of Order, etc.] Disorder, (dirty) Uncleanness
inexact etc. (erroneous) Error
improvident etc. Nonpreparation. neglected etc. v.
unheeded, uncared-for, unperceived, unseen, unobserved, unnoticed, unnoted, unmarked, unattended to, unthought of, unregarded, unremarked, unmissed
shunted, shelved. unexamined, unstudied, unsearched, unscanned, unweighed, unsifted, unexplored. abandoned
buried in a napkin, hid under a bushel.
negligently etc. adj.
hand over head, anyhow
in an unguarded moment etc. (unexpectedly) Inexpectation
never mind, no matter, let it pass.
out of sight, out of mind.