Topic Thesaurus
Roget's Thesaurus


  • inexpectation, non-expectation
  • false expectation etc. (disappointment) [Failure of expectation.] Disappointment
  • miscalculation etc. Misjudgment. surprise, sudden burst, thunderclap, blow, shock, start
  • bolt out of the blue
  • wonder etc. Wonder
  • eye opener. unpleasant surprise, pleasant surprise.
  • not expect etc. Expectation
  • be taken by surprise
  • start
  • miscalculate etc. Misjudgment
  • not bargain for
  • come upon, fall upon. be unexpected etc. adj.
  • come unawares etc. adv.
  • turn up, pop, drop from the clouds
  • come upon one, burst upon one, flash upon one, bounce upon one, steal upon one, creep upon one
  • come like a thunder clap, burst like a thunderclap, thunder bolt
  • take by surprise, catch by surprise, catch unawares, catch napping
  • yach [S. Afr.]. pounce upon, spring a mine upon. surprise, startle, take aback, electrify, stun, stagger, take away one's breath, throw off one's guard
  • astonish, dumbfound etc. (strike with wonder) Wonder.
  • nonexpectant
  • surprised etc. v.
  • unwarned, unaware
  • off one's guard
  • inattentive Inattention. unexpected, unanticipated, unpredicted, unlooked for, unforeseen, unhoped for
  • dropped from the clouds
  • beyond expectation, contrary to expectation, against expectation, against all expectation
  • out of one's reckoning
  • unheard of etc. (exceptional) Unconformity
  • startling, surprising
  • sudden etc. (instantaneous) [Point of time] Instantaneity. unpredictable, unforeseeable (unknowable) Unintelligibility.
  • abruptly, unexpectedly, surprisingly
  • plump, pop, unawares
  • without notice, without warning, without a 'by your leave'
  • " like a thief in the night, like a thunderbolt
  • in an unguarded moment
  • suddenly etc. (instantaneously) [Point of time] Instantaneity.
  • heydey! , c. (wonder) Wonder.
  • little did one think, little did one expect
  • nobody would ever suppose, nobody would ever think, nobody would ever expect
  • who would have thought
  • ? it beats the Dutch.