look at, look to, look after, look into, look over
see to
turn the mind to, bend the mind to, apply the mind to, direct the mind to, give the mind to, turn the eye to, bend the eye to, apply the eye to, direct the eye to, give the eye to, turn the attention to, bend the attention to, apply the attention to, direct the attention to, give the attention to
have an eye to, have in one's eye
bear in mind
take into account, take into consideration
keep in sight, keep in view
have regard to, heed, mind, take cognizance of entertain, recognize
make note of, take note of
note. examine cursorily
glance at, glance upon, glance over
cast the eyes over, pass the eyes over
run over, turn over the leaves, dip into, perstringe
catch the attention, awaken the attention, wake the attention, invite the attention, solicit the attention, attract the attention, claim the attention excite the attention, engage the attention, occupy the attention, strike the attention, arrest the attention, fix the attention, engross the attention, absorb the attention, rivet the attention, catch the mind, awaken the mind, wake the mind, invite the mind, solicit the mind, attract the mind, claim the mind excite the mind, engage the mind, occupy the mind, strike the mind, arrest the mind, fix the mind, engross the mind, absorb the mind, rivet the mind, catch the thoughts, awaken the thoughts, wake the thoughts, invite the thoughts, solicit the thoughts, attract the thoughts, claim the thoughts excite the thoughts, engage the thoughts, occupy the thoughts, strike the thoughts, arrest the thoughts, fix the thoughts, engross the thoughts, absorb the thoughts, rivet the thoughts
be present to the mind, be uppermost in the mind. bring under one's notice
point out, point to, point at, point the finger at