insensibility, insensibleness
moral insensibility
inertness, inertia
impassibility, impassibleness
inappetency, apathy, phlegm, dullness, hebetude, supineness, lukewarmness. cold fit, cold blood, cold heart
coldness, coolness
stoicism, imperturbation etc. (inexcitability) [Absence of excitability, or of excitement.] Inexcitability
nonchalance, unconcern, dry eyes
insouciance etc. (indifference) Indifference
recklessness etc. Rashness
heart of stone, stock and stone, marble, deadness. torpor, torpidity
obstupefaction, lethargy, coma, trance, vegetative state
sleep etc. Inactivity
suspended animation
stupor, stupefaction
paralysis, palsy
numbness etc. (physical insensibility) Physical Insensibility. neutrality
quietism, vegetation.
be insensible etc. adj.
have a rhinoceros hide
show insensibility etc. n.
not mind, not care, not be affected by
have no desire for etc. Indifference
have no interest in, feel no interest in, take no interest in
not care a straw for etc. (unimportance) Unimportance
disregard etc. (neglect) Neglect
set at naught etc. (make light of) Underestimation
turn a deaf ear to etc. (inattention) Inattention
vegetate. render insensible, render callous
blunt, obtund, numb, benumb, paralyze, deaden, hebetate, stun, stupefy
chloroform, anaesthetize, put under
assify. inure
harden the heart
steel, caseharden, sear.
insensible, unconscious
impassive, impassible
blind to, deaf to, dead to
unsusceptible, insusceptible
unimpressionable, unimpressible
passionless, spiritless, heartless, soulless
unfeeling, unmoral. apathetic
leuco-, phlegmatic
dull, frigid
cold blooded, cold hearted
cold as charity
flat, maudlin, obtuse, inert, supine, sluggish, torpid, torpedinous, torporific
sleepy etc. (inactive) Inactivity
languid, half-hearted, tame
anaesthetic etc. Physical Insensibility
stupefied, chloroformed, drugged, stoned
palsy-stricken. indifferent, lukewarm
careless, mindless, regardless
inattentive etc. Inattention
neglectful etc. Neglect
disregarding. unconcerned, nonchalant, pococurante, insouciant
unambitious etc. Indifference. unaffected, unruffled, unimpressed, uninspired, unexcited, unmoved, unstirred, untouched, unshocked, unstruck
unblushing etc. (shameless) [Undue assumption of superiority.] Insolence
vegetative. callous, thick-skinned, hard-nosed, pachydermatous, impervious
inured, casehardened
steeled against, proof against
imperturbable etc. (inexcitable) [Absence of excitability, or of excitement.] Inexcitability
insensibly etc. adj.
without being moved, without being touched, without being impressed
in cold blood
with dry eyes, with withers unwrung.
never mind
it is of no consequence etc. (unimportant) Unimportance
it cannot be helped
nothing coming amiss
it is all the same to, it is all one to.