Intellectual Faculties
Modes of Communication
528. Concealment
hiding etc. v.
occultation, mystification. seal of secrecy
screen etc. Ambush [Means of concealment] .
disguise etc. Ambush [Means of concealment] .
masked battery
hiding place etc. Ambush [Means of concealment] .
cryptography, steganography
freemasonry. stealth, stealthiness, sneakiness
slyness etc. (cunning) Cunning . latitancy, latitation
seclusion etc. Seclusion. Exclusion
privacy, secrecy, secretness
incognita. reticence
mental reserve, reservation
suppression, evasion, white lie, misprision
silence etc. (taciturnity) Taciturnity
suppression of truth etc. Falsehood
underhand dealing
closeness, secretiveness etc. adj.
mystery. latency etc. Latency. Implication
snake in the grass
secret etc. Secret
conceal, hide, secrete, put out of sight
lock up, seal up, bottle up. encrypt, encode, cipher. cover, screen, cloak, veil, shroud
cover up one's tracks
screen from sight, screen from observation
drawing the veil
draw the curtain, close the curtain
curtain, shade, eclipse, throw a view over
be cloud, be mask
mask, disguise
ensconce, muffle, smother
whisper. keep from
keep back, keep to oneself
keep snug, keep close, keep secret, keep dark
sink, suppress
keep from, keep from out of view, keep from out of sight
keep in the shade, throw into the shade, throw into background
stifle, hush up, smother, withhold, reserve
fence with a question
ignore etc. Neglect . keep a secret, keep one's own counsel
hold one's tongue etc. (silence) Taciturnity
make no sign, not let it go further
not breathe a word, not breathe a syllable about
not let the right hand know what the left is not let the right hand know what the left is doing
hide one's light under a bushel, bury one's talent in a napkin. keep in the dark, leave in the dark, keep in the ignorance
blind, blind the eyes
blindfold, hoodwink, mystify
puzzle etc. (render uncertain) Uncertainty
bamboozle etc. (deceive) Deception . be concealed etc. v.
suffer an eclipse
retire from sight, couch
hide oneself
lie hid, lie in close
lie in ambush (ambush) Ambush [Means of concealment] .
seclude oneself etc. Seclusion. Exclusion
lurk, sneak, skulk, slink, prowl
steal into, steal out of, steal by, steal along
play at bopeep, play at hide and seek
hide in holes and corners
still hunt.
concealed etc. v.
secret, recondite, mystic, cabalistic, occult, dark
cryptic, cryptical
private, privy, in petto, auricular, clandestine, close, inviolate
tortuous. behind a screen etc. Ambush [Means of concealment] .
undercover, under an eclipse
in ambush, in hiding, in disguise
in a cloud, in a fog, in a mist, in a haze, in a dark corner
in the shade, in the dark
clouded, wrapped in clouds, wrapt in clouds
invisible etc. Invisibility
buried, underground
secluded etc. Seclusion. Exclusion . undisclosed etc. Disclosure , untold etc. Information
covert etc. (latent) Latency. Implication
mysterious etc. (unintelligible) Unintelligibility . irrevealable, inviolable
not to be spoken of
unmentionable. obreptitious, furtive, stealthy, feline
skulking etc. v.
surreptitious, underhand, hole and corner
sly etc. (cunning) Cunning
secretive, evasive
reserved, reticent, uncommunicative, buttoned up
close, close as wax
taciturn etc. Taciturnity .
secretly etc. adj.
in secret, in private, in one's sleeve, in holes and corners
with closed doors
hugger mugger
under the cloak of, under the rose, under the table
in the background, aside, on the sly, with bated breath, in a whisper, without beat of drum, a la sourdine. behind the veil
beyond mortal ken, beyond the grave, beyond the veil
hid from mortal vision
into the eternal secret, into the realms supersensible, into the supreme mystery. in confidence, in strict confidence, in strictest confidence
confidentially etc. adj.
between ourselves, between you and me
between you and me and the bedpost
inter nos, under the seal of secrecy
by stealth, like a thief in the night
stealthily etc. adj.
behind the scenes, behind the curtain, behind one's back, behind a screen etc. Ambush [Means of concealment] .
in camera.
it must go no further, it will go no further
don't tell a soul
tell it not in Gath, " nobody the wiser
let it be tenable in your silence still" [Hamlet] . [confidential disclosure to news reporters] background information, deep background information, deep background
background session, backgrounder
not for attribution