Sentient and Moral Powers
Personal Affections
Prospective Affections
cautiousness etc. adj.
discretion, prudence, cautel, heed, circumspection, calculation, deliberation. foresight etc. Foresight
vigilance etc. Care [Vigilance.]
warning etc. Warning . coolness etc. adj.
self-possession, self-command
presence of mind
well-regulated mind
worldly wisdom, Fabian policy.
be cautious etc. adj.
take care, take heed, take good care
have a care mind, what one is about
be on one's guard etc. (keep watch) Care [Vigilance.]
make assurance doubly sure" [Macbeth] . bespeak etc. (be early) Earliness . think twice, look before one leaps, count the cost, look to the main chance, cut one's coat according to one's cloth
feel one's ground, feel one's way
see how the land lies etc. (foresight) Foresight
wait to see how the cat jumps
bridle one's tongue
let well alone, let well enough alone
let sleeping dogs lie, don't wake a sleeping cat. keep out of harm's way, keep out of troubled waters
keep at a respectful distance, stand aloof
keep on the safe side, be on the safe side. husband one's resources etc. Store . caution etc. (warn) Warning .
cautious, wary, guarded
on one's guard etc. (watchful) Care [Vigilance.]
vigilant. careful, heedful
cautelous, stealthy, chary, shy of, circumspect, prudent, discreet, politic
sure-footed etc. (skillful) Skill . unenterprising, unadventurous, cool, steady, self-possessed
don't sing out victory before the triumph
give, every man thine ear but few thy voice" [Hamlet]
he who laughs last laughs best
love all, trust a few" [All's Well]
safe bind safe find
if it ain't broke, don't fix it" [Bert Lance] .