sensibility, sensibleness, sensitiveness
moral sensibility
impressibility, affectibility
susceptibleness, susceptibility, susceptivity
vivacity, vivaciousness
tenderness, softness
sentimental, sentimentality
sentimentalism. excitability etc. [Excess of sensitiveness] Excitability
fastidiousness etc. Fastidiousness
physical sensibility etc. Physical Sensibility. sore point, sore place
where the shoe pinches.
be sensible etc. adj.
have a tender heart, have a warm heart, have a sensitive heart. take to heart, treasure up in the heart
shrink. die of a rose in aromatic pain" [Pope]
touch to the quick
touch on the raw, touch a raw nerve.
sensible, sensitive
impressible, impressionable
susceptive, susceptible
alive to, impassionable, gushing
warm hearted, tender hearted, soft hearted
tender as a chicken
soft, sentimental, romantic
enthusiastic, highflying, spirited, mettlesome, vivacious, lively, expressive, mobile, tremblingly alive
excitable etc. [Excess of sensitiveness] Excitability
oversensitive, without skin, thin-skinned
fastidious etc. Fastidiousness.
sensibly etc. adj.
to the quick, to the inmost core.