Topic Thesaurus
Roget's Thesaurus

Latency. Implication

  • latency, inexpression
  • hidden meaning, occult meaning
  • occultness, mystery, cabala, anagoge
  • silence etc. (taciturnity) Taciturnity
  • concealment etc. Concealment
  • more than meets the eye, more than meets the ear
  • Delphic oracle
  • undercurrent. implication, logical implication
  • logical consequence
  • entailment. allusion, insinuation
  • innuendo etc. Information
  • adumbration
  • something rotten in the state of Denmark" [Hamlet]. snake in the grass etc. (pitfall) [Source of danger.] Pitfall
  • secret etc. Secret. darkness, invisibility, imperceptibility.
  • be latent etc. adj.
  • lurk, smolder, underlie, make no sign
  • escape observation, escape detection, escape recognition
  • lie hid etc. Concealment. laugh in one's sleeve
  • keep back etc. (conceal) Concealment. involve, imply, understand, allude to, infer, leave an inference
  • entail
  • whisper etc. (conceal) Concealment. [understand the implication] read between the lines.
  • latent
  • lurking etc. v.
  • secret etc. Concealment
  • occult
  • implied etc. v.
  • dormant
  • abeyant. unapparent, unknown, unseen etc. Vision
  • in the background
  • invisible etc. Invisibility
  • indiscoverable, dark
  • impenetrable etc. (unintelligible) Unintelligibility
  • unspied, unsuspected. unsaid, unwritten, unpublished, unbreathed, untalked of, untold etc. Information, unsung, unexposed, unproclaimed, undisclosed etc. Disclosure, unexpressed
  • not expressed, tacit. undeveloped, solved, unexplained, untraced, undiscovered etc. Judgment [Conclusion.].Existence, untracked, unexplored, uninvented. indirect, crooked, inferential
  • by inference, by implication
  • implicit
  • constructive
  • allusive, covert, muffled
  • steganographic
  • understood, underhand, underground
  • delitescent, concealed etc. Concealment.
  • by a side wind
  • in the background
  • behind the scenes, behind one's back
  • on the tip of one's tongue
  • secretly etc. Concealment
  • between the lines.
  • thereby hangs a tale" [As You Like It]
  • where there's smoke, there's fire.