Abstract Relations
Absolute Time
Absolute Time
time, duration
period, term, stage, space, span, spell, season
the whole time, the whole period
course etc. [Indefinite duration.] Course
snap. intermediate time, while, interim, interval, pendency
intervention, intermission, intermittence, interregnum, interlude
respite. era, epoch
time of life, age, year, date
decade etc. (period) [Definite duration, or portion of time.] Period
moment, c. (instant) [Point of time] Instantaneity . glass of time, sands of time, march of time, Father Time, ravages of time
arrow of time
river of time, whirligig of time, noiseless foot of time
continue last endure, go on, remain, persist
elapse etc. [Indefinite duration.] Course
hold out. take time, take up time, fill time, occupy time. pass time, pass away time, spend time, while away time, consume time, talk against time
tide over
use time, employ time
seize an opportunity etc. Occasion
waste time etc. (be inactive) Inactivity .
while, whilst, during, pending
during the time, during the interval
in the course of, at that point, at that point in time
for the time being, day by day
in the time of, when
meantime, meanwhile
in the meantime, in the interim
ad interim
from day to day, from hour to hour etc.
hourly, always
for a time, for a season
till, until, up to, yet, as far as, by that time, so far, hereunto, heretofore, prior to this, up to this point. the whole time, all the time
all along
throughout etc. (completely) Completeness
for good etc. (diuturnity) [Long duration.] Diuturnity . hereupon, thereupon, whereupon
anno Domini, A.D.
ante Christum, A.C.
before Christ, B.C.
once upon a time, one fine morning, one fine day, one day, once.
time flies
time runs out, time runs against, race against time, racing the clock, time marches on, time is of the essence
panting Time toileth after him in vain" [Johnson]
'gainst the tooth of time and razure of 'gainst the tooth of time and razure of oblivion [Contr.] " [Measure for Measure]
rich with the spoils of time" [Gray]
the long hours come and go" [C.G. Rossetti]
the time is out of joint" [Hamlet]
Time rolls his ceaseless course" [Scott]
Time the foe of man's dominion" [Peacock]
time wasted is existence, used is life" [Young]
" absence of time, no time
dies non
Tib's eve
Greek Kalends, a blue moon.
never, ne'er [Contr.]
at no time, at no period
on the second Tuesday of the week, when Hell freezes over
on no occasion, never in all one's born days, nevermore, sine die
in no degree.
period, age, era
second, minute, hour, day, week, month, quarter, year, decade, decenniumm lustrum, quinquennium, lifetime, generation
epoch, ghurry, lunation, moon. century, millennium
during pleasure, during good behavior
corridors of time, sweep of time, vesta of time, course of time, progress of time, process of time, succession of time, lapse of time, flow of time, flux of time, stream of time, tract of time, current of time, tide of time, march of time, step of time, flight of time
duration etc. Time . [Indefinite time] aorist.
elapse, lapse, flow, run, proceed, advance, pass
roll on, wear on, press on
flit, fly, slip, slide, glide
run its course. run out, expire
go by, pass by
be past etc. [Retrospective time.] The Past .
elapsing etc. v.
in due time, in due season
in in due course, in due process, in the fullness of time
in time.
tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace from day to day" [Macbeth] .
a long time, a length of time
an age, a century, an eternity
slowness etc. Slowness
perpetuity etc. [Endless duration.] Perpetuity
blue moon, coon's age [U.S.] , dog's age. durableness, durability
persistence, endlessness, lastingness etc. adj.
continuance, standing
permanence etc. (stability) Stability
survival, survivance
longevity etc. (age) Age
distance of time. protraction of time, prolongation of time, extension of time
delay etc. (lateness) Lateness .
last, endure, stand, remain, abide, continue, brave a thousand years. tarry etc. (be late) Lateness
drag on, drag its slow length along, drag a lengthening chain
protract, prolong
spin out, eke out, draw out, lengthen out
gain time, make time, talk against time. outlast, outlive
live to fight again.
lasting etc. v.
of long duration, of long-standing
permanent, endless, chronic, long-standing
intransient, intransitive
intransmutable, persistent
lifelong, livelong
longeval, long-lived, macrobiotic, diuturnal, evergreen, perennial
sempervirent, sempervirid
unrelenting, unintermitting, unremitting
perpetual etc. [Endless duration.] Perpetuity . lingering, protracted, prolonged, spun out etc. v.. long-pending, long-winded
slow etc. Slowness .
for a long time, for an age, for ages, for ever so long, for many a long day
long ago etc. (in a past time) [Retrospective time.] The Past
all the year round
the livelong day, as the day is long, morning noon and night
hour after hour, day after day, c.
for good
permanently etc. adj. .
transience, transientness etc. adj.
evanescence, impermanence, fugacity [Chem] , caducity, mortality, span
nine days' wonder, bubble, Mayfly
flash in the pan
temporary arrangement, interregnum. velocity etc. Velocity
suddenness etc. [Point of time] Instantaneity
changeableness etc. Changeableness . transient, transient boarder, transient guest [U.S.] .
be transient etc. adj.
flit, pass away, fly, gallop, vanish, fade, evaporate
pass away like a cloud, pass away like a summer cloud, pass away like a shadow, pass away like a dream.
transient, transitory, transitive
passing, evanescent, fleeting, cursory, short-lived, ephemeral
flying etc. v.
fugacious, fugitive
shifting, slippery
instantaneous, momentaneous. temporal, temporary
provisional, provisory
perishable, mortal, precarious, unstable, insecure
impermanent. brief, quick, brisk, extemporaneous, summary
pressed for time etc. (haste) Haste
sudden, momentary etc. (instantaneous) [Point of time] Instantaneity .
temporarily etc. adj.
for the moment, for a time
in a short time
soon etc. (early) Earliness
briefly etc. adj.
at short notice
on the point of, on the eve of
in articulo
between cup and lip.
one's days are numbered
the time is up
here today and gone tomorrow
a schoolboy's tale, the wonder of the hour! [Byron]
perpetuity, eternity, everness, aye, sempiternity, immortality, athanasia
interminability, agelessness, everlastingness etc. adj.
continued existence, uninterrupted existence
permanence (durability) [Long duration.] Diuturnity .
last forever, endure forever, go on forever
have no end. eternize, perpetuate.
perpetual, eternal
everduring, everlasting, ever-living, ever-flowing
continual, sempiternal
endless, unending
ceaseless, incessant, uninterrupted, indesinent, unceasing
endless, unending, interminable, having no end
unfading, evergreen, amaranthine
neverending, never-dying, never-fading
deathless, immortal, undying, imperishable.
perpetually etc. adj.
always, ever, evermore, aye
for ever, for aye, till the end of the universe, forevermore, forever and a day, for ever and ever
in all ages, from age to age
without end
world without end, time without end
to the end of time, to the crack of doom, to the 'last syllable of recorded time'" [Macbeth]
till doomsday
constantly etc. (very frequently) Frequency .
but thou shall flourish in immortal youth" [Addison]
Eternity! thou pleasing, dreadful thought" [Addison]
her immortal part with angels lives" [Romeo and Juliet]
[Goethe's motto]
instantaneity, instantaneousness, immediacy
suddenness, abruptness. moment, instant, second, minute
twinkling, trice, flash, breath, crack, jiffy, coup, burst, flash of lightning, stroke of time. epoch, time
time of day, time of night
hour, minute
very minute etc. , very time, very hour
present time, right time, true time, exact correct time.
be instantaneous etc. adj.
twinkle, flash.
instantaneous, momentary, sudden, immediate, instant, abrupt, discontinuous, precipitous, precipitant, precipitate
subitaneous, hasty
quick as thought, quick as lightning, quick as a flash
rapid as electricity. speedy, quick, fast, fleet, swift, lively, blitz
rapid (velocity) Velocity .
instantaneously etc. adj.
in no time, in less than no time
presto, subito, instanter, suddenly, at a stroke, like a shot
in a moment etc. n.. in the blink of an eye, in the twinkling of an eye, in a trice
in one's tracks
right away
at one jump, in the same breath
at once, all at once
plump, slap
at one fell swoop
" at the same instant etc. n.
immediately etc. (early) Earliness
extempore, on the moment, on the spot, on the spur of the moment
no sooner said than done
just then
slap-dash etc. (haste) Haste .
touch and go
no sooner said than done.
chronometry, horometry, horology
date, epoch
style, era. almanac, calendar, ephemeris
register, registry
chronicle, annals, journal, diary. [Instruments for the measurement of time] chronogram
clock, wall clock, pendulum clock, grandfather's clock, cuckoo clock, alarm clock, clock radio
watch, wristwatch, pocket watch, stopwatch, Swiss watch
atomic clock, digital clock, analog clock, quartz watch, water clock
chronometer, chronoscope, chronograph
timekeeper, timepiece
dial, sundial, gnomon, horologe, pendulum, hourglass, clepsydra
ghurry. chronographer, chronologer, chronologist, timekeeper
annalist. calendar year, leap year, Julian calendar, Gregorian calendar, Chinese calendar, Jewish calendar, perpetual calendar, Farmer's almanac, fiscal year.
fix the time, mark the time
date, register, chronicle
measure time, beat time, mark time
bear date
synchronize watches.
chronological, chronometrical, chronogrammatical
quattrocento, trecento.
anachronism, metachronism, parachronism, prochronism
prolepsis, misdate
anticipation, antichronism. disregard of time, neglect of time, oblivion of time. intempestivity etc. Untimeliness .
misdate, antedate, postdate, backdate, overdate
take no note of time, lose track of time
misdated etc. v.
overdue, past due
out of date.