Topic Thesaurus
Roget's Thesaurus

Course (Indefinite duration)

  • corridors of time, sweep of time, vesta of time, course of time, progress of time, process of time, succession of time, lapse of time, flow of time, flux of time, stream of time, tract of time, current of time, tide of time, march of time, step of time, flight of time
  • duration etc. Time. [Indefinite time] aorist.
  • elapse, lapse, flow, run, proceed, advance, pass
  • roll on, wear on, press on
  • flit, fly, slip, slide, glide
  • run its course. run out, expire
  • go by, pass by
  • be past etc. [Retrospective time.] The Past.
  • elapsing etc. v.
  • aoristic
  • progressive.
  • in due time, in due season
  • in in due course, in due process, in the fullness of time
  • in time.
  • tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace from day to day" [Macbeth].