Sentient and Moral Powers
Personal Affections
Extrinsic Affections
Extrinsic Affections
distinction, mark, name, figure
repute, reputation
good repute, high repute
note, notability, notoriety, eclat, the bubble reputation" [As You Like It] , vogue, celebrity
fame, famousness
approbation etc. Approbation
credit, prestige, talk of the town
name to conjure with. glory, honor
luster etc. (light) Light
illustriousness etc. adj. . account, regard, respect
reputableness etc. adj.
respectability etc. (probity) Probity
good name, good report
fair name. dignity
stateliness etc. adj.
solemnity, grandeur, splendor, nobility, majesty, sublimity. rank, standing, brevet rank, precedence, pas, station, place, status
position, position in society
order, degree, baccalaureate, caste, condition. greatness etc. adj.
height etc. Height
importance etc. Importance
preeminence, supereminence
high mightiness, primacy
top of the ladder, top of the tree. elevation
ascent etc. [Motion upwards] Ascent
superaltation, exaltation
dignification, aggrandizement. dedication, consecration, enthronement, canonization, celebration, enshrinement, glorification. hero, man of mark, great card, celebrity, worthy, lion, notability, somebody
man of rank etc. (nobleman) Nobility
pillar of the state, pillar of the church, pillar of the community. chief etc. (master) Master
first fiddle etc. (proficient) Proficient
cynosure, mirror
flower, pink, pearl
paragon etc. (perfection) Perfection
choice and master spirits of the age
star, sun, constellation, galaxy. ornament, honor, feather in one's cap, halo, aureole, nimbus
halo of glory, blaze of glory, blushing honors
laurels etc. (trophy) Trophy . memory, posthumous fame, niche in the temple of fame
immortality, immortal name
be conscious of glory
be proud of etc. (pride) Pride
exult etc. (boast) Boasting
be vain of etc. (vanity) Vanity . be distinguished etc. adj.
shine etc. (light) Light
shine forth, figure
cut a figure, make a dash, make a splash. rival, surpass
outshine, outrival, outvie, outjump
emulate, eclipse
throw into the shade, cast into the shade
overshadow. live, flourish, glitter, flaunt, gain honor, acquire honor etc. n.
play first fiddle etc. (be of importance) Importance , bear the palm, bear the bell
lead the way
take precedence, take the wall of
gain laurels, win laurels, gain spurs, gain golden opinions etc. (approbation) Approbation
take one's degree, pass one's examination. make a noise, make some noise, make a noise in the world
leave one's mark, exalt one's horn, blow one's horn, star it, have a run, be run after
come into vogue, come to the front
raise one's head. enthrone, signalize, immortalize, deify, exalt to the skies
hand one's name down to posterity. consecrate
dedicate to, devote to
enshrine, inscribe, blazon, lionize, blow the trumpet, crown with laurel. confer honor on, reflect honor on etc. v.
shed a luster on one's honor, ennoble. give honor to, do honor to, pay honor to, render honor to
honor, accredit, pay regard to, dignify, glorify
sing praises to etc. (approve) Approbation
lock up to
exalt, aggrandize, elevate
distinguished, noted
of note etc. n.
honored etc. v.
fashionable etc. Fashion . in good odor in
favor, in high favor
reputable, respectable, creditable. remarkable etc. (important) Importance
notable, notorious
celebrated, renowned, ion every one's mouth, talked of
famous, famed
conspicuous, to the front
in the front rank, in the ascendant. imperishable, deathless, immortal, never fading
time honored. illustrious, glorious, splendid, brilliant, radiant
bright etc. Light
honorific. eminent, prominent
high etc. Height
in the zenith
at the head of, at the top of the tree
peerless, of the first water.
superior etc. [Supremacy.] Superiority
supereminent, preeminent. great, dignified, proud, noble, honorable, worshipful, lordly, grand, stately, august, princely. imposing, solemn, transcendent, majestic, sacred, sublime, heaven-born, heroic
hail!, all hail!, ave!, viva!, long life to!
glory be to, honor be to?
one's name being in every mouth, one's name living for ever
not to know him argues oneself unknown
none but himself could be his parallel
great is the glory for the strife is hard" [Wordsworth]
immensum gloria calcar habet [Ovid]
the glory dies not and the grief is past" [Brydges]
disrepute, discredit
ill repute, bad repute, bad name, bad odor, bad favor, ill name, ill odor, ill favor
disapprobation etc. Disapprobation
ingloriousness, derogation
abasement, debasement
abjectness etc. adj.
degradation, dedecoration
a long farewell to all my greatness [Henry VIII]
odium, obloquy, opprobrium, ignominy. dishonor, disgrace
shame, humiliation
scandal, baseness, vileness
turpitude etc. (improbity) Improbity
infamy. tarnish, taint, defilement, pollution. stain, blot, spot, blur, stigma, brand, reproach, imputation, slur. crying shame, burning shame
badge of infamy, blot in one's escutcheon
bend sinister, bar sinister
champain, point champain
byword of reproach
sense of shame etc. Humility .
be inglorious etc. adj.
incur disgrace etc. n.
have a bad name, earn a bad name
put a halter round one's neck, wear a halter round one's neck
disgrace oneself, expose oneself. play second fiddle
lose caste
pale one's ineffectual fire
recede into the shade
fall from one's high estate
keep in the background etc. (modesty) Modesty
be conscious of disgrace etc. (humility) Humility
look blue, look foolish, look like a fool
cut a poor figure, cut a sorry figure
laugh on the wrong side of the mouth
make a sorry face, go away with a flea in. one's ear, slink away. cause shame etc. n.
shame, disgrace, put to shame, dishonor
throw dishonor upon, cast dishonor upon, fling dishonor upon, reflect dishonor upon etc. n.
be a reproach etc. n.. to
derogate from. tarnish, stain, blot sully, taint
degrade, debase, defile
expel etc. (punish) Punishment . impute shame to, brand, post, stigmatize, vilify, defame, slur, cast a slur upon, hold up to shame, send to Coventry
tread under foot, trample under foot
show up, drag through the mire, heap dirt upon
reprehend etc. Disapprobation . bring low, put down, snub
take down a peg, take down a peg lower, take down a peg or two. obscure. eclipse, outshine, take the shine out of
throw into the shade, cast into the shade
leave in the background, put in the background
push into a corner, put one's nose out of joint
put out, put out of countenance. upset, throw off one's center
discompose, disconcert
put to the blush etc. (humble) Humility .
disgraced etc. v.
blown upon
shorn of its beams" [Milton] , shorn of one's glory
overcome, downtrodden
loaded with shame etc. n.
in bad repute etc. n.
out of repute, out of favor, out of fashion, out of countenance
at a discount
under a cloud, under an eclipse
unable to show one's face
in the shade, in the background
out at elbows, down at the elbows, down in the world. inglorious
nameless, renownless
unknown to fame
unnoticed, unnoted, unhonored, unglorified. shameful
disgraceful, discreditable, disreputable
unbecoming, unworthy
degrading, humiliating, dedecorous
scandalous, infamous, too bad, unmentionable
ribald, opprobrious
errant, shocking, outrageous, notorious. ignominious, scrubby, dirty, abject, vile, beggarly, pitiful, low, mean, shabby base etc. (dishonorable) Improbity .
to one's shame be it spoken.
fie!, shame!, for shame!, O tempora! , O mores!, ough!
nobility, rank, condition, distinction, optimacy, blood, birth, high descent, order
quality, gentility
blue blood of Castile
upper classes, upper ten thousand
the four hundred [U.S.]
elite, aristocracy, great folks
fashionable world etc. (fashion) Fashion . peer, peerage
house of lords, house of peers
lords, lords temporal and spiritual
noble, nobleman
lord, lordling
grandee, hidalgo
don, donship
aristocrat, swell, three-tailed bashaw
gentleman, squire, squireen, patrician, laureate. gentry, gentlefolk
squirarchy [Slang] , better sort magnates, primates, optimates
pantisocracy. king etc. (master) Master
prince, duke
marquis, marquisate
earl, viscount, baron, thane, banneret
baronet, baronetcy
knight, knighthood
count, armiger, laird
signior, seignior
esquire, boyar, margrave, vavasour
emir, ameer, scherif, sharif, effendi, wali
chevalier, maharaja, nawab, palsgrave, pasha, rajah, waldgrave. princess, begum, duchess, marchioness
countess etc.
lady, dame
Do$a, maharani, rani. personage of distinction, man of distinction, personage of rank, man of rank, personage of mark, man of mark
notables, notabilities
celebrity, bigwig, magnate, great man, star, superstar
big bug
big gun, great gun
gilded rooster [U.S.]
every inch a king" [Lear] .
noble, exalted
of rank etc. n.
princely, titled, patrician, aristocratic
high-, well-born
of gentle blood
genteel, gentlemanlike, courtly etc. (fashionable) Fashion
highly respectable.
commonalty, democracy
low condition, low life, low society, low company
mass of the people, mass of society
Brown Jones and Robinson
lower classes, humbler classes, humbler orders
vulgar herd, common herd
rank and file
the many, the general, the crowd, the people, the populace, the multitude, the million, the masses, the mobility, the peasantry
king Mob
demos, great unwashed
man in the street. mob
rabble, rabble rout
chaff, rout, horde, canaille
scum of the people, residuum of the people, dregs of the people, dregs of society
swinish multitude, foex populi
vermin, riffraff, ragtag and bobtail
small fry. commoner, one of the people, democrat, plebeian, republican, proletary, proletaire, roturier, Mr. Snooks, bourgeois, Philistine, cockney
grisette, demimonde. peasant, countryman, boor, carle, churl
villain, villein
son of the land
serf, kern, tyke, tike, chuff, ryot, fellah
swain, clown, hind
clod, clodhopper
hobnail, yokel, bog-trotter, bumpkin
plowman, plowboy
rustic, hayseed [Slang] , lunkhead [U.S.] , chaw-bacon [Slang] , tiller of the soil
hewers of wood and drawers of water, groundling
gaffer, loon, put, cub, Tony Lumpkin, looby, rube [U.S.] , lout, underling
pot-wallopper, slubberdegullion
vulgar fellow, low fellow
cad, curmudgeon. upstart, parvenu, skipjack
nobody, nobody one knows
snob, gent, mushroom, no one knows who, adventurer
man of straw. beggar, gaberlunzie, muckworm, mudlark, sans culotte, raff, tatterdemalion, caitiff, ragamuffin, Pariah, outcast of society, tramp, vagabond, bezonian, panhandler [Slang] , sundowner, chiffonnier, Cinderella, cinderwench, scrub, jade
gossoon. Goth, Vandal, Hottentot, Zulu, savage, barbarian, Yahoo
unlicked cub, rough diamond. barbarousness, barbarism
be ignoble etc. adj. , be nobody etc. n..
ignoble, common, mean, low, base, vile, sorry, scrubby, beggarly
below par
no great shakes etc. (unimportant) Unimportance
homely, homespun
vulgar, low-minded
snobbish. plebeian, proletarian
of low parentage, of low origin, of low extraction, of mean parentage, of mean origin, of mean extraction
lowborn, baseborn, earthborn
mushroom, dunghill, risen from the ranks
unknown to fame, obscure, untitled. rustic, uncivilized
loutish, boorish, clownish, churlish, brutish, raffish
rude, unlicked. barbarous, barbarian, barbaric, barbaresque
cockney, born within sound of Bow bells. underling, menial, subaltern.
title, honor
knighthood etc. (nobility) Nobility . highness, excellency, grace
lordship, worship
reverence, reverend
esquire, sir, master, Mr., signor, senor, mynheer
your honor, his honor
serene highness
handle to one's name. decoration, laurel, palm, wreath, garland, bays, medal, ribbon, riband, blue ribbon, cordon, cross, crown, coronet, star, garter
feather, feather in one's cap
epaulet, epaulette, colors, cockade
order, arms, shield, scutcheon
reward etc. Reward .
be proud etc. adj.
put a good face on
look one in the face
stalk abroad, perk oneself up
think no small beer of oneself
presume, swagger, strut
rear one's head, lift up one's head, hold up one's head
hold one's head high, look big, take the wall, bear like the Turk no rival near the throne" [Pope] , carry with a high hand
ride the high horse, mount on one's high horse
set one's back up, bridle, toss the head
give oneself airs etc. (assume) [Undue assumption of superiority.] Insolence
boast etc. Boasting . pride oneself on
glory in, take a pride in
pique oneself, plume oneself, hug oneself
stand upon, be proud of
put a good face on
not hide one's light under a bushel, not put one's talent in a napkin
not think small beer of oneself etc. (vanity) Vanity .
proud, proud-crested
lordly, baronial
highsouled, high-minded, high-mettled, high-handed, high-plumed, high-flown, high-toned. haughty lofty, high, mighty, swollen, puffed up, flushed, blown
purse-proud, fine
proud as a peacock, proud as Lucifer
bloated with pride. supercilious, disdainful, bumptious, magisterial, imperious, high and mighty, overweening, consequential
arrogant etc. [Undue assumption of superiority.] Insolence
unblushing etc. Vanity . stiff, stiff-necked
perked stuck-up
in buckram, strait-laced
prim etc. (affected) Affectation . on one's dignity, on one's high horses, on one's tight ropes, on one's high ropes
on stilts
disdains the shadow which he treads on at disdains the shadow which he treads on at noon" [Coriolanis]
pride in their port, defiance in their eye" [Goldsmith] .
humility, humbleness
meekness, lowness
lowliness, lowlihood
abasement, self-abasement
submission etc. Submission
resignation. condescension
affability etc. (courtesy) Courtesy . modesty etc. Modesty
verecundity, blush, suffusion, confusion
sense of shame, sense of disgrace
humiliation, mortification
let down, set down.
be humble etc. adj.
deign, vouchsafe, condescend
humble oneself, demean oneself
stoop, stoop to conquer
carry coals
submit etc. Submission
submit with a good grace etc. (brook) [Absence of excitability, or of excitement.] Inexcitability
yield the palm. lower one's tone, lower one's note
sing small, draw in one's horns, sober down
hide one's face, hide one's diminished head
not dare to show one's face, take shame to oneself, not have a word to say for oneself
feel shame, be conscious of shame, feel disgrace, be conscious of disgrace
drink the cup of humiliation to the dregs. blush for, blush up to the eves
redden, change color
color up
hang one's head, look foolish, feel small. render humble
humble, humiliate
let down, set down, take down, tread down, frown down
snub, abash, abase, make one sing small, strike dumb
teach one his distance
put down, take down a peg, take down a peg lower
throw into the shade, cast into the shade etc. Disrepute
stare out of countenance, put out of countenance
put to the blush
confuse, ashame, mortify, disgrace, crush
send away with a flea in one's ear. get a setdown.
humble, lowly, meek
modest etc. Modesty
humble minded, sober-minded
submissive etc. Submission
servile, c. Servility . condescending
affable etc. (courteous) Enemy . humbled etc. v.
bowed down, resigned
abashed, ashamed, dashed
out of countenance
down in the mouth
down on one's knees, down on one's marrowbones, down on one's uppers
humbled in the dust, browbeaten
chapfallen, crestfallen
dumfoundered. flabbergasted. shorn of one's glory etc. (disrepute) Disrepute .
with downcast eyes, with bated breath, with bended knee
on all fours, on one's feet. under correction, with due deference.
I am your obedient servant, I am your very humble servant
my service to you
conceit, conceitedness
self-conceit, self-complacency, self-confidence, self-sufficiency, self-esteem, self-love, self-approbation, self-praise, self-glorification, self-laudation, self-gratulation, self-applause, self-admiration
selfishness etc. Selfishness . airs, affected manner, pretensions, mannerism
priggism, priggishness
coxcombry, gaudery, vainglory, elation
pride etc. Pride
ostentation etc. Ostentation
Sir Oracle etc. Blusterer .
be vain etc. adj. , be vain of
pique oneself etc. (pride) Pride
lay the flattering unction to one's soul. have too high an opinion of oneself, have an overweening opinion of oneself, have too high an opinion of one's talents
blind oneself as to one's own merit
not think small beer of oneself
put oneself forward
fish for compliments
give oneself airs etc. (assume) [Undue assumption of superiority.] Insolence
boast etc. Boasting . render vain etc. adj.
inspire with vanity etc. n.
inflate, puff up, turn up, turn one's head.
vain, vain as a peacock, proud as a peacock
conceited, overweening, pert, forward
vainglorious, high-flown
ostentatious etc. Ostentation
puffed up, inflated, flushed. self-satisfied, self-confident, self-sufficient, self-flattering, self-admiring, self-applauding, self-glorious, self-opinionated
entente etc. (wrongheaded) Misjudgment
wise in one's own conceit, pragmatical, overwise, pretentious, priggish
egotistic, egotistical
arrogant etc. [Undue assumption of superiority.] Insolence . unabashed, unblushing
unconstrained, unceremonious
free and easy.
how we apples swim! " [Swift]
prouder than rustling in unpaid-for silk" [Cymbeline] .
humility etc. Humility
diffidence, timidity
retiring disposition
bashfulness etc. adj.
blush, blushing
self-knowledge. reserve, constraint
demureness etc. adj.
blushing honors" [Henry VIII] .
be modest etc. adj.
retire, reserve oneself
give way to
draw in one's horns etc. Humility
hide one's face. keep private, keep in the background, keep one's distance
pursue the noiseless tenor of one's way, do good by stealth and blush to find it fame" [Pope] , hide one's light under a bushel, cast a sheep's eye.
modest, diffident
humble etc. Humility
timid, timorous, bashful
shy, nervous, skittish, coy, sheepish, shamefaced, blushing, overmodest. unpretending, unpretentious
unobtrusive, unassuming, unostentatious, unboastful, unaspiring
poor in spirit. out of countenance etc. (humbled) Humility . reserved, constrained, demure.
humbly etc. adj.
quietly, privately
without ceremony, without beat of drum
sans fa="" dt="">
ostentation, display, show, flourish, parade, pomp, array, state, solemnity
dash, splash, splurge, glitter, strut, pomposity
pretense, pretensions
showing off
fuss. magnificence, splendor
grand doings. coup de theatre
stage effect, stage trick
tour de force
chic. demonstration, flying colors
flourish of trumpets etc. (celebration) Celebration
pageant, pageantry
spectacle, exhibition, exposition, procession
turn out, set out
grand function
f=ete, gala, field day, review, march past, promenade, insubstantial pageant. dress
court dress, full dress, evening dress, ball dress, fancy dress
tailoring, millinery, man millinery, frippery, foppery, equipage. ceremony, ceremonial
form, formality
punctilio, punctiliousness
starched stateliness, stateliness. mummery, solemn mockery, mouth honor. attitudinarian
fop etc. Fop .
be ostentatious etc. adj.
come forward, put oneself forward
attract attention, star it. cut a figure, make a dash, make a splash, make a splurge, cut a dash, cut a splash, cut a splurge
figure, figure away
make a show, make a display
glitter. show off, show off one's paces
parade, march past
display, exhibit, put forward, hold up
trot out, hand out
sport, brandish, blazon forth
dangle, dangle before the eyes. cry up etc. (praise) Approbation
flaunt, emblazon, prink, set off, mount, have framed and glazed. put a good face upon, put a smiling face upon
clean the outside of the platter etc. (disguise) Falsehood .
ostentatious, showy, dashing, pretentious
janty, jaunty
grand, pompous, palatial
turgid etc. (big-sounding) Ornament
gairish, garish
gaudy, gaudy as a peacock, gaudy as a butterfly, gaudy as a tulip
flaunting, flashing, flaming, glittering
gay etc. (ornate) Ornament . splendid, magnificent, sumptuous. theatrical, dramatic, spectacular
ceremonial, ritual. solemn, stately, majestic, formal, stiff, ceremonious, punctilious, starched. dressed to kill, dressed to the nines, decjed out, all decked out, in best bib and tucker, in Sunday best, endimanch_e, chic.
with flourish of trumpet, with beat of drum
celebration, solemnization, jubilee, commemoration, ovation, paean, triumph, jubilation, ceremony (rite) Rite
holiday, fiesta, zarabanda, revelry, feast (amusement) Amusement
china anniversary, diamond anniversary, golden anniversary, silver anniversary, tin anniversary, china jubilee, diamond jubilee, golden jubilee, silver jubilee, tin jubilee, china wedding, diamond wedding, golden wedding, silver wedding, tin wedding. triumphal arch, bonfire, salute
salvo, salvo of artillery
flourish of trumpets, fanfare, colors flying, illuminations. inauguration, installation, presentation
Lord Mayor's show
harvest-home, red-letter day
trophy etc. Trophy
fete etc. Ostentation
holiday etc. Amusement
Forefathers' Day [U.S.] .
celebrate keep, signalize, do honor to, commemorate, solemnize, hallow, mark with a red letter. pledge, drink to, toast, hob and nob. inaugurate, install, chair. rejoice etc. [Expression of pleasure.] Rejoicing
kill the fatted calf, hold jubilee, roast an ox.
celebrating etc. v.
commemorative, celebrated, immortal.
in honor of, in commemoration of.
hail!, all hail!, io paean, io triumphe! , see the conquering hero comes!."
boasting etc. v.
boast, vaunt, crake
pretense, pretensions
puff, puffery
flourish, fanfaronade
blague, bluff, gas [Slang]
highfalutin, highfaluting
hot air, spread-eagleism [U.S.]
brag, braggardism
bravado, bunkum, buncombe
jactitation, jactancy
venditation, vaporing, rodomontade, bombast, fine talking, tall talk, magniloquence, teratology, heroics
exaggeration etc. Exaggeration . vanity etc. Vanity
much cry and little wool
gloriation, glorification
flourish of trumpets
triumph etc. Celebration . boaster
braggart, braggadocio
fanfaron, pretender
blower [U.S.] , bluffer, Foxy Quiller
blusterer etc. Blusterer
charlatan, jack-pudding, trumpeter
puppy etc. (fop) Fop .
boast, make a boast of, brag, vaunt, Puff, show off, flourish, crake, crack, trumpet, strut, swagger, vapor
blague, blow, four-flush [Slang] , bluff. exult, crow, crow over, neigh, chuckle, triumph
throw up one's cap
talk big, take merit to oneself, make a merit of, sing Io triumphe, holloa before one is out of the wood.
boasting etc. v.
magniloquent, flaming, Thrasonic, stilted, gasconading, braggart, boastful, pretentious
vainglorious etc. (conceited) Vanity
highfalutin, highfaluting
spread-eagle [U.S.] . elate, elated
jubilant, triumphant, exultant
in high feather
flushed, flushed with victory
on stilts. vaunted etc. v..
let the galled jade wince" [Hamlet]
haughtiness etc. adj.
arrogance, airs
domineering etc. v.
tyranny etc. Severity . impertinence
sauciness etc. adj.
flippancy, dicacity, petulance, procacity, bluster
swagger, swaggering etc. v.
terrorism. assumption, presumption
beggar on horseback
usurpation. impudence, assurance, audacity, hardihood, front, face, brass
shamelessness etc. adj.
effrontery, hardened front, face of brass. assumption of infallibility. saucebox etc. (blusterer) Blusterer .
be insolent etc. adj.
bluster, vapor, swagger, swell, give oneself airs, snap one's fingers, kick up a dust
swear etc. (affirm) Affirmation
rap out oaths
roister. arrogate
assume, presume
make bold, make free
take a liberty, give an inch and take an ell. domineer, bully, dictate, hector
lord it over
snub, huff., beard, fly in the face of
put to the blush
bear down, beat down
browbeat, intimidate
trample down, tread down, trample under foot
dragoon, ride roughshod over. out face, outlook, outstare, outbrazen, outbrave
stare out of countenance
brazen out
lay down the law
teach one's grandmother to suck eggs
assume a lofty bearing
talk big, look big
put on big looks
mount the high horse, ride the high horse
toss the head, carry, with a high hand. tempt Providence, want snuffing.
insolent, haughty, arrogant, imperious, magisterial, dictatorial, arbitrary
high-handed, high and mighty
contumelious, supercilious, overbearing, intolerant, domineering, overweening, high-flown. flippant, pert, fresh [U.S.] , cavalier, saucy, forward, impertinent, malapert. precocious, assuming, would-be, bumptious. bluff
brazen, shameless, aweless, unblushlng, unabashed
brazen, boldfaced-, barefaced-, brazen-faced
dead to shame, lost to shame. impudent, audacious, presumptuous, free and easy, devil-may-care, rollicking
jaunty, janty
roistering, blustering, hectoring, swaggering, vaporing
thrasonic, fire eating, full of sound and fury" [Macbeth] .
one's bark being worse than his bite
beggars mounted run their horse to death" [Henry VI]
slavery etc. (subjection) Subjection
obsequiousness etc. adj.
prostration, prosternation
genuflection etc. (worship) Worship
fawning etc. v.
tuft-hunting, timeserving, flunkeyism
sycophancy etc. (flattery) Flattery
humility etc. Humility . sycophant, parasite
toad, toady, toad-eater
snob, flunky, flunkey, yes-man, lapdog, spaniel, lickspittle, smell-feast, hanger on, led captain, carpet knight
timeserver, fortune hunter, Vicar of Bray, Sir-Pertinax, Max Sycophant, pickthank
flatterer etc. Flatterer
doer of dirty work
slave etc. (servant) Servant
beat [Slang] , dead beat [Slang] , doughface [U.S.] , heeler [U.S.] , sponger, sucker [Slang] , tagtail, truckler.
cringe, bow, stoop, kneel, bend the knee
fall on one's knees, prostrate oneself
worship etc. Worship . sneak, crawl, crouch, cower, sponge, truckle to, grovel, fawn, lick the feet of, kiss the hem of one's garment, kiss one's ass [Vulg.] , suck up. pay court to
feed on, fatten on, dance attendance on, pin oneself upon, hang on the sleeve of, keep time to, fetch and carry, do the dirty work of. go with the stream, worship the rising sun, hold with the hare and run with the hounds.
servile, obsequious
supple, supple as a glove
soapy, oily, pliant, cringing, abased, dough-faced, fawning, slavish, groveling, sniveling, mealy-mouthed
beggarly, sycophantic, parasitical
abject, prostrate, down on ones marrowbones
base, mean, sneaking
crouching etc. v..
hat in hand, cap in hand.
blusterer, swaggerer, vaporer, roisterer, brawler
braggart etc. (boaster) Boasting
bully, terrorist, rough
bulldozer [U.S.] , hoodlum, hooligan [Slang] , larrikin, roarer [Slang]
Mohock, Mohawk
drawcansir, swashbuckler, Captain Bobadil, Sir Lucius O'Trigger, Thraso, Pistol, Parolles, Bombastes Furioso, Hector, Chrononhotonthologos
desperado, dare-devil, fire eater
fury, c. (violent person) Violence
slang-whanger [Slang] , tough [U.S.] . puppy etc. (fop) Fop
Sir Oracle, dogmatist, doctrinaire, jack-in-office
saucebox, malapert, jackanapes, minx