Topic Thesaurus
Roget's Thesaurus

to the Past


  • memory, remembrance
  • retention, retentiveness
  • tenacity
  • tablets of the memory
  • readiness. reminiscence, recognition, recollection, rememoration
  • recurrence, flashback
  • retrospect, retrospection. afterthought, post script, PS. suggestion etc. (information) Information
  • prompting etc. v.
  • hint, reminder
  • remembrancer, flapper
  • memorial etc. (record) Record
  • commemoration etc. (celebration) Celebration. [written reminder] note, memo, memorandum
  • things to be remembered, token of remembrance, memento, souvenir, keepsake, relic, memorabilia. art of memory, artificial memory
  • mnemonics, mnemotechnics
  • phrenotypics
  • Mnemosyne. prompt-book
  • crib sheet, cheat sheet. retentive memory, tenacious memory, photographic memory, green memory, trustworthy memory, capacious memory, faithful memory, correct memory, exact memory, ready memory, prompt memory, accurate recollection
  • perfect memory, total recall. celebrity, fame, renown, reputation etc. (repute) Repute.
  • remember, mind
  • retain the memory of, retain the remembrance of
  • keep in view. recognize, recollect, bethink oneself, recall, call up, retrace
  • look back, trace back, trace backwards
  • think back, look back upon
  • review
  • call upon, recall upon, bring to mind, bring to remembrance
  • carry one's thoughts back
  • rake up the past. have in the thoughts, hold in the thoughts, bear in the thoughts, carry in the thoughts, keep in the thoughts, retain in the thoughts, have in the memory, hold in the memory, bear in the memory, carry in the memory, keep in the memory, retain in the memory, have in the mind, hold in the mind, bear in the mind, carry in the mind, keep in the mind, retain in the mind, hold in remembrance
  • be in one's thoughts, live in one's thoughts, remain in one's thoughts, dwell in one's thoughts, haunt one's thoughts, impress one's thoughts, be in one's mind, live in one's mind, remain in one's mind, dwell in one's mind, haunt one's mind, impress one's mind, dwell in one's memory. sink in the mind
  • run in the head
  • not be able to get out of one's head
  • be deeply impressed with
  • rankle etc. (revenge) Revenge. recur to the mind
  • flash on the mind, flash across the memory. [cause to remember] remind
  • suggest etc. (inform ) Information
  • prompt
  • put in mind, keep in mind, bring to mind
  • fan the embers
  • call up, summon up, rip up
  • renew
  • jog the memory, flap the memory, refresh the memory, rub up the memory, awaken the memory
  • pull by the sleeve
  • bring back to the memory, put in remembrance, memorialize. task the memory, tax the memory. get at one's fingers' ends, have at one's fingers', learn at one's fingers', know one's lesson, say one's lesson, repeat by heart, repeat by rote
  • say one's lesson
  • repeat, repeat as a parrot
  • have at one's fingers' ends, have at one's finger tips
  • commit to memory, memorize
  • con over, con
  • fix in the memory, rivet in the memory, imprint in the memory, impress in the memory, stamp in the memory, grave in the memory, engrave in the memory, store in the memory, treasure up in the memory, bottle up in the memory, embalm in the memory, enshrine in the memory
  • load the memory with, store the memory with, stuff the memory with, burden the memory with. redeem from oblivion
  • keep the memory alive, keep the wound green, pour salt in the wound, reopen old wounds'
  • keep up the memory of
  • commemorate etc. (celebrate) Celebration. make a note of, jot a note, pen a memorandum etc. (record) Record.
  • remembering, remembered etc. v.
  • mindful, reminiscential
  • retained in the memory etc. v.
  • pent up in one's memory
  • fresh
  • green, green in remembrance
  • unforgotten, present to the mind
  • within one's memory etc. n.
  • indelible
  • uppermost in one's thoughts
  • memorable etc. (important) Importance.
  • by heart, by rote
  • without book, memoriter. in memory of
  • in memoriam
  • suggestive.
  • briefly thyself remember" [Lear]
  • memory the warder of the brain" [Macbeth]
  • to live in hearts we leave behind is not to die" [Campbell]
  • out of sight, out of mind.


  • oblivion, obliviousness, lethe
  • forgetfulness etc. adj.
  • amnesia
  • obliteration of etc. [Suppression of sign.] Obliteration, insensibility to the past etc. Insensibility. short memory, treacherous memory, poor memory, loose memory, slippery memory, failing memory
  • decay of memory, failure of memory, lapse of memory
  • waters of Lethe, waters of oblivion. amnesty, general pardon. [deliberate or unconscious forgetting] repressed memory.
  • forget
  • be forgetful etc. adj.
  • fall into oblivion, sink into oblivion
  • have a short memory etc. n., have no head. forget one's own name, have on the tip of one's tongue, come in one ear and go out the other. slip memory, escape memory, fade from memory, die away from the memory
  • lose, lose sight of. fail to recall, not be able to recall. [cause oneself to forget] unlearn
  • efface etc. [Suppression of sign.] Obliteration, discharge from the memory
  • consign to oblivion, consign to the tomb of the Capulets
  • think no more of etc. (turn the attention from) Inattention
  • cast behind one's back, wean one's thoughts from
  • let bygones be bygones etc. (forgive) Forgiveness.
  • forgotten etc. v.
  • unremembered, past recollection, bygone, out of mind
  • buried in oblivion, sunk in oblivion
  • clean forgotten
  • gone out of one's head, gone out of one's recollection. forgetful, oblivious, mindless, Lethean
  • insensible to the past etc. Insensibility
  • heedless.
  • the memory failing, the memory deserting one, being at fault, being in fault.