Topic Thesaurus
Roget's Thesaurus


  • be useful etc. adj.
  • avail, serve
  • subserve etc. (be instrumental to) Instrumentality
  • conduce etc. (tend) Tendency
  • answer, serve one's turn, answer a purpose, serve a purpose. act a part etc. (action) Action
  • perform a function, discharge a function etc.
  • render a service, render good service, render yeoman's service
  • bestead, stand one in good stead be the making of
  • help etc. Aid. bear fruit etc. (produce) Production
  • bring grist to the mill
  • profit, remunerate
  • benefit etc. (do good) [Capability of producing good. Good qualities.] Goodness. find one's account in, find one's advantage in
  • reap the benefit of etc. (be better for) Improvement. render useful etc. (use) Use.
  • usefully etc. adj.