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  • dearness etc. adj.
  • high price, famine price, fancy price
  • overcharge
  • extravagance
  • exorbitance, extortion
  • heavy pull upon the purse.
  • be dear etc. adj.
  • cost much, cost a pretty penny
  • rise in price, look up. [demand a price in excess of value] overcharge, bleed, fleece, extort. [pay a price in excess of value] pay too much, pay through the nose, pay too dear for one's whistle, pay top dollar.
  • dear
  • high, high priced
  • of great price, expensive, costly, precious
  • worth a Jew's eye, dear bought. at a premium. not to be had, not to be had for love or money
  • beyond price, above price, priceless, of priceless value. [priced in excess of value] unreasonable, extravagant, exorbitant, extortionate
  • overpriced, more than it's woth.
  • dear, dearly
  • at great cost, heavy cost
  • prices looking up
  • too high a price to pay, not worth it.