fighting etc. v.
war, arms, the sword
Mars, Bellona, grim visaged war
bloodshed. appeal to arms, appeal to the sword
ordeal of battle
wager of battle
arbitrament of the sword. battle array, campaign, crusade, expedition, operations
state of siege
battlefield, theater of operations etc. (arena) Arena
warpath. art of war, tactics, strategy, castrametation
military evolutions, ballistics, gunnery
chivalry. gunpowder, shot. battle, tug of war etc. (contention) Contention
service, campaigning, active service, tented field
fire cross, trumpet, clarion, bugle, pibroch, slogan
war-cry, war-whoop
battle cry, beat of drum, rappel, tom-tom
calumet of war
word of command
password, watchword
war to the knife
open war, internecine war, civil war.
raise troops, mobilize troops
raise up in arms
take up the cudgels etc. Contention
take up arms, fly to arms, appeal to arms, fly to the sword
draw the sword, unsheathe the sword
dig up the hatchet, dig up the tomahawk
go to war, wage war, let slip the dogs of war" [Julius Caesar]
cry havoc
kindle the torch of war, light the torch of war
raise one's banner, raise the fire cross
hoist the black flag
throw away, fling away the scabbard
enroll, enlist
take the field
take the law into one's own hands
do battle, give battle, join battle, engage in battle, go to battle
flesh one's sword
set to, fall to, engage, measure swords with, draw the trigger, cross swords
come to blows, come to close quarters
contend etc. Contention
battle with, break a lance with. [pirates engage in battle] raise the jolly roger, run up the jolly roger. serve
see service, be on service, be on active service
wield the sword, shoulder a musket, smell powder, be under fire
spill blood, imbrue the hands in blood
on the warpath. carry on war, carry on hostilities
keep the field
fight the good fight
fight it out, fight like devils, fight one's way, fight hand to hand
sell one's life dearly
pay the ferryman's fee.
contending, contentious etc. Contention
armed, armed to the teeth, armed cap-a-pie
sword in hand
in arms, under arms, up in arms
at war with
bristling with arms
in battle array, in open arms, in the field
battled. unpacific, unpeaceful
belligerent, combative, armigerous, bellicose, martial, warlike
military, militant
soldier-like, soldierly. chivalrous
strategical, internecine.
in the thick of the fray, in the cannon's mouth
at the sword's point, at the point of the bayonet.
to arms!, to your tents O Israel!
the battle rages
my voice is still for war" [Addison]
'tis well that war is so terrible, otherwise we 'tis well that war is so terrible, otherwise we might grow fond of it" [Robert E. Lee]
my sentence is for open war" [Milton]
pride, pomp, and circumstance of glorious pride, pomp, and circumstance of glorious war" [Othello]
the cannons have their bowels full of wrath" [King John]
the cannons aspit forth their iron indignation" [King John]
the fire-eyed maid of smoky war" [Henry IV]