brabble, brigue, scramble, melee, scrimmage, stramash, bushfighting. free fight, stand up fight, hand to hand, running fight. conflict, skirmish
rencounter, encounter
rencontre, collision, affair, brush, fight
battle, battle royal
combat, action, engagement, joust, tournament
tilt, tilting [Mediev.]
tournay, list
pitched battle. death struggle, struggle for life or death, life or death struggle, Armageddon. hard knocks, sharp contest, tug of war. naval engagement, naumachia, sea fight. duel
single combat, monomachy, satisfaction, passage of arms, affair of honor
wrangle etc.(quarrel)Discord. contend with etc., grapple with, engage with, close with, buckle with, bandy with, try conclusions with, have a brush etc. n.. with, tilt with
encounter, fall foul of, pitch into, clapperclaw, run a tilt at