Topic Thesaurus
Roget's Thesaurus

Abstract Space

Space (Indefinite space)

  • space, extension, extent, superficial extent, expanse, stretch, hyperspace
  • room, scope, range, field, way, expansion, compass, sweep, swing, spread. dimension, length etc. Length
  • distance etc. Distance
  • size etc. Size
  • volume
  • hypervolume. latitude, play, leeway, purchase, tolerance, room for maneuver. spare room, elbow room, house room
  • stowage, roomage, margin
  • opening, sphere, arena. open space, free space
  • void etc. (absence) Absence
  • waste
  • wildness, wilderness
  • moor, moorland
  • campagna. abyss etc. (interval) Interval
  • unlimited space
  • infinity etc. Infinity
  • world
  • ubiquity etc. (presence) Presence
  • length and breadth of the land. proportions, acreage
  • acres, acres and perches, roods and perches, hectares, square miles
  • square inches, square yards, square centimeters, square meters, yards (clothing) etc.
  • ares, arpents.
  • spacious, roomy, extensive, expansive, capacious, ample
  • widespread, vast, world-wide, uncircumscribed
  • boundless etc. (infinite) Infinity
  • shoreless, trackless, pathless
  • extended.
  • extensively etc. adj.
  • wherever
  • everywhere
  • far and near, far and wide
  • right and left, all over, all the world over
  • throughout the world, throughout the length and breadth of the throughout the length and breadth of the land
  • under the sun, in every quarter
  • in all quarters, in all lands
  • here there and everywhere
  • from pole to pole, from China to Peru [Johnson], from Indus to the pole [Pope], from Dan to Beersheba, from end to end
  • on the face of the earth, in the wide world, from all points of the compass
  • to the four winds, to the uttermost parts of the earth.


  • inextension, nonextension, point
  • dot
  • atom etc. (smallness) Smallness.

Region (Definite space)

  • region, sphere, ground, soil, area, field, realm, hemisphere, quarter, district, beat, orb, circuit, circle
  • reservation, pale etc. (limit) Limit
  • compartment, department
  • clearing. [political divisions: see] (property) etc. Property (Government) etc. Authority.Existence arena, precincts, enceinte, walk, march
  • patch, plot, parcel, inclosure, close, field, court
  • enclave, reserve, preserve
  • street etc. (abode) [Place of habitation, or resort.] Abode. clime, climate, zone, meridian, latitude. biosphere
  • lithosphere.
  • territorial, local, parochial, provincial, regional.

Place (Limited space)

  • somewhere, in some place, wherever it may be, here and there, in various places, passim.