distance etc.Distance. line, bar, rule, stripe, streak, spoke, radius. lengthening etc. v.
prolongation, production, protraction
tension, tensure
extension. [Measures of length] line, nail, inch, hand, palm, foot, cubit, yard, ell, fathom, rood, pole, furlong, mile, league
chain, link
arpent, handbreadth, jornada [U.S.], kos, vara. [astronomical units of distance] astronomical unit, AU, light-year, parsec. [metric units of length] nanometer, nm, micron, micrometer, millimicron, millimeter, mm, centimeter, cm, meter, kilometer, km. pedometer, perambulator
in perspective. from end to end, from stem to stern, from head to foot, from the crown of the head to the sole of the from the crown of the head to the sole of the foot, from top to toe