Acts of Religion
worship, adoration, devotion, aspiration, homage, service, humiliation
kneeling, genuflection, prostration. prayer, invocation, supplication, rogation, intercession, orison, holy breathing
petition etc. (request) Request
collect, litany, Lord's prayer
latria, dulia, hyperdulia, vigils
anxious meeting, camp meeting
ebenezer, virginal. thanksgiving
giving thanks, returning thanks
grace, praise, glorification, benediction, doxology, hosanna
hallelujah, allelujah
Ave Maria, O Salutaris, The Annunciation, Tersanctus, Trisagion. psalm, psalmody
hymn, plain song, chant, chaunt, response, anthem, motet
antiphon, antiphony. oblation, sacrifice, incense, libation
burnt offering, heave offering, votive offering
offertory. discipline
self-discipline, self-examination, self-denial
fasting. divine service, office, duty
morning prayer
mass, matins, evensong, vespers
undernsong, tierce
holyday etc. (rites) Rite. worshipper, congregation, communicant, celebrant.
worship, lift up the heart, aspire
revere etc. Respect
adore, do service, pay homage
humble oneself, kneel
bow the knee, bend the knee
fall down, fall on one's knees
prostrate oneself, bow down and worship. pray, invoke, supplicate
put up, offer up prayers, offer petitions
beseech etc. (ask) Request
say one's prayers, tell one's beads. return thanks, give thanks
say grace, bless, praise, laud, glorify, magnify, sing praises
give benediction, lead the choir, intone
deacon, deacon off propitiate [U.S.], offer sacrifice, fast, deny oneself
vow, offer vows, give alms. work out one's salvation
go to church
attend service, attend mass
communicate etc. (rite) Rite.
worshipping etc. v.
devout, devotional, reverent, pure, solemn
fervid etc. (heartfelt) Feeling.
hallelujah, allelujah! , hosanna!, glory be to God!, O Lord!, pray God that!, God grant, God bless, God save, God forbid!
making their lives a prayer" [Whittier]
prayers ardent open heaven" [Young].
idolatry, idolism
demonism, demonolatry
idol-worship, demon-worship, devil-worship, fire-worship
zoolatry, fetishism, fetichism
ecclesiolatry, heliolatry, Mariolatry, Bibliolatry. deification, apotheosis, canonization
hero worship. sacrifices, hecatomb, holocaust
human sacrifices, immolation, mactation, infanticide, self-immolation, suttee. idol, golden calf, graven image, fetich, avatar, Juggernath
Baal etc. Pseudo-Revelation.
worship idols, worship pictures, worship relics
deify, canonize.
occult art, occult sciences
magic, the black art, necromancy, theurgy, thaumaturgy
demonology, demonomy, demonship
witchcraft, witchery
fetishism, fetichism, feticism
ghost dance, hoodoo
obi, obiism
voodoo, voodooism
Shamanism (Esquimaux), vampirism
bewitchery, exorcism, enchantment, mysticism, second sight, mesmerism, animal magnetism
od force, odylic force
electrobiology, clairvoyance
spiritualism, spirit rapping, table turning. divination etc. (prediction) Prediction
sortilege, ordeal, sortes Virgilianae
hocus-pocus etc. (deception) Deception.
practice sorcery etc. n.
cast a nativity, conjure, exorcise, charm, enchant
bewitch, bedevil
hoodoo, voodoo
entrance, mesmerize, magnetize
fascinate etc. (influence) Motive
wave a wand
rub the ring, rub the lamp
cast a spell
call up spirits, call up spirits from the vasty deep
raise spirits from the dead.
magic, magical
mystic, weird, cabalistic, talismanic, phylacteric, incantatory
charmed etc. v.
Circean, odylic, voodoo.
spell, charm, incantation, exorcism, weird, cabala, exsufflation, cantrap, runes, abracadabra, open sesame, countercharm, Ephesian letters, bell book and candle, Mumbo Jumbo, evil eye, fee-faw-fum. talisman, amulet, periapt, telesm, phylactery, philter
fetich, fetish
lamb of God
furcula, madstone
mascot, mascotte
Om, Aum
scarab, scarabaeus
sudarium, triskelion, veronica, wishbone
swastika, fylfot, gammadion. wand, caduceus, rod, divining rod, lamp of Aladdin
wishing-cap, Fortunatus's cap.
sorcerer, magician
thaumaturgist, theurgist
conjuror, necromancer, seer, wizard, witch
hoodoo, voodoo
fairy etc. Demon
lamia, hag. warlock, charmer, exorcist, mage
cunning man, medicine man
Shaman, figure flinger, ecstatica
medium, clairvoyant, fortune teller
soothsayer etc. Oracle. Katerfelto, Cagliostro, Mesmer, Rosicrucian
Circe, siren, weird sisters.