overestimation etc. v.
exaggeration etc. Exaggeration
vanity etc. Vanity
optimism, pessimism, pessimist. much cry and little wool, much ado about nothing
storm in a teacup, tempest in a teacup
fine talking.
overestimate, overrate, overvalue, overprize, overweigh, overreckon, overstrain, overpraise
estimate too highly, attach too much importance to, make mountains of molehills, catch at straws
strain, magnify
exaggerate etc. Exaggeration
set too high a value upon
think much of, make much of, think too much of, make too much of
panegyrize. extol, extol to the skies
make the most of, make the best of, make the worst of
make two bites of a cherry. have too high an opinion of oneself etc. (vanity) Vanity.
overestimated etc. v.
oversensitive etc. (sensibility) Sensibility.