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Unmeaningness (Absence of meaning)

  • meaninglessness, unmeaningness etc. adj.
  • scrabble. empty sound, dead letter
  • a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing
  • " sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal." nonsense, utter nonsense, gibberish
  • jargon, jabber, mere words, hocus-pocus, fustian, rant, bombast, balderdash, palaver, flummery, verbiage, babble, baverdage, baragouin, platitude, niaiserie
  • inanity
  • flap-doodle
  • rigmarole, rodomontade
  • truism
  • twaddle, twattle, fudge, trash, garbage, humbug
  • poppy-cock [U.S.]
  • stuff, stuff and nonsense
  • bosh, rubbish, moonshine, wish-wash, fiddle-faddle
  • absurdity etc. Absurdity
  • vagueness etc. (unintelligibility) Unintelligibility. [routine or reflexive statements without substantive thought, esp. legal] boilerplate, clich.
  • mean nothing
  • be unmeaning etc. adj.
  • twaddle, quibble, scrabble.