Contrariety (Noncoincidence)
contrariety, contrast, foil, antithesis, oppositeness
antagonism etc. (opposition) Opposition
clashing, repugnance. inversion etc. Inversion
the opposite, the reverse, the inverse, the converse, the antipodes, the antithesis, the other extreme.
be contrary etc. adj.
contrast with, oppose
reverse, turn the tables
turn topsy-turvy, turn end for end, turn upside down, turn inside out. contradict, contravene
antagonize etc. Opposition.
contrary, contrarious, contrariant
opposite, counter, dead against
converse, reverse
opposed, antithetical, contrasted, antipodean, antagonistic, opposing
conflicting, inconsistent, contradictory, at cross purposes
diametrically opposite
diametrically opposed
as opposite as black and white, as opposite as light and darkness, as opposite as fire and water, as opposite as the poles
as different as night and day
Hyperion to a satyr" [Hamlet]
quite the contrary, quite the reverse
no such thing, just the other way
contrarily etc. adj.
contra, contrariwise, per contra, on the contrary, nay rather
vice versa
on the other hand etc. (in compensation) Compensation.
all concord's born of contraries" [B. Jonson]. Thesis, antithesis, synthesis [Marx].