Topic Thesaurus
Roget's Thesaurus


  • inferiority, minority, subordinacy
  • shortcoming, deficiency
  • minimum
  • smallness etc. Smallness
  • imperfection
  • lower quality, lower worth. [personal inferiority] commonalty etc. Commonalty.
  • be inferior etc. adj.
  • fall short of, come short of
  • not pass, not come up to
  • want. become smaller, render smaller etc. (decrease) Nonincrease, Decrease, (contract) Contraction
  • hide its diminished head, retire into the shade, yield the palm, play second fiddle, be upstaged, take a back seat.
  • inferior, smaller
  • small etc. Smallness
  • minor, less, lesser, deficient, minus, lower, subordinate, secondary
  • secondrate etc. (imperfect) Imperfection
  • sub, subaltern
  • thrown into the shade
  • weighed in the balance and found wanting
  • not fit to hold a candle to, can't hold a candle to. least, smallest etc. (little) (small) etc. Littleness
  • lowest. diminished etc. (decreased) Nonincrease, Decrease
  • reduced etc. (contracted) Contraction
  • unimportant etc. Unimportance.
  • less
  • under the mark, below the mark, below par
  • at the bottom of the scale, at a low ebb, at a disadvantage
  • short of, under.