Topic Thesaurus
Roget's Thesaurus

Nonincrease, Decrease

  • decrease, diminish, lessen
  • abridge etc. (shorten) Shortness
  • shrink etc. (contract) Contraction
  • drop off, fall off, tail off
  • fall away, waste, wear
  • wane, ebb, decline
  • descend etc. [Motion downwards] Descent
  • subside
  • melt away, die away
  • retire into the shade, hide its diminished head, fall to a low ebb, run low, languish, decay, crumble. bate, abate, dequantitate
  • discount
  • depreciate
  • extenuate, lower, weaken, attenuate, fritter away
  • mitigate etc. (moderate) Moderation
  • dwarf, throw into the shade
  • reduce etc. Contraction
  • shorten etc. Shortness
  • subtract etc. Nonaddition. Subtraction.
  • unincreased etc. Increase
  • decreased etc. v.
  • decreasing etc. v.
  • on the wane etc. n..
  • a gilded halo hovering round decay" [Byron]
  • fine by degrees and beautifully less" [Prior].